Friday, August 16, 2024

Messages for Saturday & Sunday 17-18 August, and Week Ahead

Messages for Saturday, Sunday and Coming Week

Message for Saturday 17 August 2024


A man descending into a pit is forgetting things,

Remembering the basement of his childhood home,

Remonstrating that he never should have left it.

There he could sit and study a large archaic


Volume filled with illimitable sources of wisdom.

Loyalty to roots and background disentangles

Present involvements. He hears music, and ascends

The stairs to find several people assembled in


Festive attire, talking and singing. Associations

Formed casually combine those mutually

Advantageous. All look to the sky where glimmers

rainbow. Spiritual power and significance

Don't fade. Consistent ordering of the world

Co-operates with every vision kept alive. 


{Saturday} {Rainbow}

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:44p PT | 4:44p ET

until it enters Aquarius at 2:46p PT | 5:46p ET

\/ \/ \/

Sunday 18, and Week Ahead

^Depth of Soul^

I keep harping on the Dark (Slow, inward) Hermetic Epoch (July 17-September 12) and the Mercury retrograde period at its core (August 5-28) because in my career as an astrological prognosticator I have found that the Bright and Dark Epochs mark out two almost temporally equal yet experientially opposite kinds of Time. Things move forward in both of them, but in a more complex, tangled and confusing manner during the Dark Epochs. 

Example: Joe Biden's resignation and Kamala's surge to power occurred rapidly in the week or two following July 17. Does that mean Harris's campaign is ill-fated? Not necessarily, but it means that all that happens at the Democratic Convention in Chicago this week is subject to later evaluation. Kamala has a birth horoscope that is lucky in many ways. It may seem that she is riding high, yet some of her momentum could be a carnival bubble-ride. We will not know until September-October, specifically until the BHE of September 12-November 6. (Yes, a new DHE begins just two days after the election. We hope fervently that it will not be an extended questioning of and litigation of the results, yet it could be.) 

Meanwhile this week is the Democratic National Convention. A Twitter astrologer just tweeted that the Democrats couldn't have picked a worse time, and I concurred. Not only is Mercury retrograde but Venus is squared Mars and opposed to Saturn while Mars and Jupiter are also square Saturn, all by close orbs. I hope the Democrats have good powerful chaplains to deliver strong prayers or exorcisms. (If those who believe in abortion could also believe in exorcism.) I'm not saying all will be at one another's throats, but there shall be strong tensions. Perhaps some fiery speeches will backfire. More basically, this is a spiritual challenge of a deep sort and the eyes of Karma (more than Kamala) shall be upon the participants. 

As for the personal lives of all of us, disagreements and conflicts are not insuperable but could be challenging. When is it wise to bring up a painful issue with someone close to you and when is it wise to hold back? Your own best judgment, aided by prayer and its Hearer, has to determine that. 

We may feel grief about things we have done, or things we have left undone, in earlier periods of our lives. Catholics will approach such soul heaviness differently than Evangelicals or Buddhists or Hindus or agnostics. God is merciful yet it seems that his mercy must be sought in one way or another. 

{Week of August 17-25} ^Depth of Soul^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 18: Moon in Aquarius

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