Friday, August 2, 2024

Message for Saturday 3 August 2024, and coming Week ^Patience to Secure Peace^

Message for Saturday 3 August 2024, and coming Week

^Patience to Secure Peace^


"An airplane falling" is obviously a Crisis, so what is needed is crisis-management. One could "right the dive, thus re-establishing control of the flight as suits a conscious purpose." This could be "a highly advantageous reorientation of selfhood through every issue."

"A very long, straight road, the end of which I do not see" shows that one's life is uneventful at present, so that one is not fired with any ambitions. This could be relaxing, but one might be lulled into apathy when things would go better with some exertion.

Mercury is moving more slowly each day, and "An old sea captain is rocking." There is "great love foreliving one's experiences in memory, thereby achieving a mastery in advance of whatever new situations one may face." The keyword is Retrospect. "Events repeat themselves, and so may be brought in leash."

"Two golden circles are joined by a blue ribbon tied in a double bow." There is good fortune in marriage. One is a lover of peace and concord, an idealist embodying two lives in one. One could make many and sincere friends. Ambitions attained bring an epoch of peace.

Week ahead, August 3-10: We have been in a Dark or Slow or Inward Hermetic Epoch since July 17, and it gets more intense or profound (perhaps chaotic) when Mercury turns retrograde on Sunday at 9:57p PT, Monday at 0:57a ET (until August 28, though the Dark Epoch continues until September 12). One key is to go slower than usual, when needed, not forcing things when they are sticky but gently untangling them. Radically new decisions are generally a mistake at these times. The old needs time to resolve itself gradually, no matter how much patience that requires. Precipitately throwing in the towel, whether in a job, project, orelationship, is not wise because the cosmos is just asking you to approach it in a smoother, calmer, /re/vised way rather than to /re/ject it. That way one prevents eventual /re/crimination.

The sun's sextile from Leo to Mars plus Jupiter conjoined in Gemini is a bright spot. Communications are favored no matter how slowly they work out. I hope that the U. S. and European nations are listening to this advice in connection with Ukraine, for the very survival of the human race could depend on talking with Putin, negotiating with Russia, rather than maintaining a stony grudging silence while rearming to the tune of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian (and Russian) lives.

{Saturday, and Week of August 3-10} ^Patience to Secure Peace^

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 3: Moon in Cancer-->Leo

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:33a PT | 6:33a ET

until it enters Leo at 4:11a PT | 7:11a ET

Sunday 4: Moon in Leo

1 comment:


    Hey tough guy , I'm here ☝️ posting as " Yang " formerly " Origin x " on Twitter.
