Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Message for Wednesday 7 August 2024 \From Childish to Artistic and Competent/

Message for Wednesday 7 August 2024

\From Childish to Artistic or Competent/

"A giant amusing himself with a child's doll." Trump? Harris? Kennedy? "A mind which if rightly directed could bring about great and beneficial changes on the earth. But he condescends to employ his time and energies in the pursuit of the childish, whimsical and worthless, making himself the laughing-stock of his contemporaries."

"A colored child playing with white children" represents "successful participation in every possible variety of experience." The keyword, Intimacy, suggests the sense of community spirit the electorate is expecting from candidates. In your own world you interact with those of varied racial and cultural backgrounds.

"A great musician at his piano" gives forth "individual artistry as the property of all." The keyword, Achievement, announces "the creative assurance which contributes enduring overtones to human understanding." Music does something words cannot.

"A field of corn standing high and ripe" "denotes a person of simple rural habits who will succeed in the cultivation of natural products. The mind is full of the essential elements of right thinking. A useful and successful life flows over with competence and peace."

{Wednesday} /From Childish to Artistic or Competent\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Thursday early afternoon

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