Thursday, August 8, 2024

Message for Friday 9 August 2024 }Bright Intimacy{

Message for Friday 9 August 2024

}Bright Intimacy{

"A bright mirror in which the sun's rays are reflected" -- It's summer! We shine, maybe by reflected light, but we shine. Good deeds shall be rewarded.

"A colored child is playing with white children" and racial stereotyping is a thing of the past. Mutual appreciation is a form of intimacy.

"A conversation by telepathy" can happen through or away from the internet. "There are illimitable ties between each individual and each of his fellows, providing a fabric of invisible sympathies or co-operations." The keyword is Intimation.

"A man and a woman are playing together, with fruits, flowers and wine upon a table beside them." There is joy, youthfulness, animal spirits and mirthfulness. All are endowed with personal beauty, as cheerful companions. Money comes and goes to make the experience of pleasure possible.

{Friday} {Bright Intimacy}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Libra

< moon enters the Via Combusta at 9:06a PT | 12:06p ET (until late Sunday night) (uncertainties and confusions may abound, but let's try to live out the favorable symbols)

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