Monday, August 26, 2024

Message for Tuesday 27 August 2024 }Seasonal Splendor{

Message for Tuesday 27 August 2024

}Seasonal Splendor{

room full of machinery and jars of chemicals

Belongs to an active person; a scientist,

Inventor and perceptive experimentalist.

But out in the woods there is frost among the


Branches, a cancellation of summer accompanied by

Splendid reorientation during Nature's magical 

Suspension. Along a forest pathway a woman 

Carries a long wand with a glass globe at the top.


Charged with aromatics, when lifted near the haunts

Of men it fills the air with sweet odors which alleviate

Suffering. The frost in the trees, thawing now, reveals

Branches laden with fruit. The owner of the orchard


Is generous, with a large family and many friends. 

What he needs for success and peace falls to him.


{Tuesday} {Seasonal Splendor}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Wednesday at 5:09a PT | 8:09a ET

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