Sunday, August 4, 2024

Message for Monday 5 August 2024 \Realism/

Message for Monday 5 August 2024


Charubel sees "A long straight road, the terminus of which I do not see." Life is uneventful, uniformly even. Insufficient caution could bring on poverty. Quiet living.

"A solitary rock jutting up from a waste of sand" could, again, indicate poverty, but with "fixity, steadiness and gravity of character." One might be "somewhat indolent, wanting in direction and purpose, yet with a great power of resistance and endurance." 

"A large bubble is seen floating on the water, in which all colors are blending." We admire the sublime and the beautiful. Some are idealists, occultists, transcendentalists; strangers to ordinary matters of everyday life. 

The final symbol seems to reconcile the previous three. "A new path of realism in experience." "Enlarged understanding comes from a personal and immediate participation in the affairs of an everyday world." The keyword is Identification. We take inspiration from the colorful Transcendent, yet still identify the role we are to play in daily living, and mobilize practical resources, no matter how thriftily, to carry on with it. 

{Monday}  /Realism\

Cosmic Piper

Mercury is hardly moving at all, from our geocentric perspective, and turns retrograde at 9:57p PT Sunday, 0:57a ET Monday--until August 28. These three weeks could seem tangled, with delays, uncertainties and confusions, yet with much deep fulfillment for those who ponder spiritual teachings and realities.

Moon in Leo-->Virgo

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:17a PT | 11:17a ET

until it enters Virgo at 2:18p PT | 5:18p ET

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