Monday, August 12, 2024

Message for Tuesday 13 August 2024 ^From Cunning to Kindness^

Message for Tuesday 13 August 2024

^From Cunning to Kindness^

While Venus is squaring Mars and opposing Saturn, "A wolf is carrying away a lamb." Charubel says there could be deception, cunning, avarice and cruelty, "unless there be much to counteract it" -- and there is.

"The index finger of a hand is pointing upward as if in command." One has a high order of intelligence, seeking after the utility of things. One could be ingenious, inventive, and useful. (Mercury, though retrograde, is exalted in its sign Virgo.)

With all but three planets in common or mutable signs, "The head of health is dissolved into the head of mentality." Saturn and Neptune both retrograde in Pisces suggest "spiritual or eternal fellowship with one's kind." One can "live the lives of all men in imagination and appreciation." The keyword is Development, or "the effective orientation of selfhood in an over-all vision." 

"A man has a long wand with a glass globe, charged with aromatics, on the top. As he passes along he fills the air with sweet odors." "He feels most honored when most he serves.  He wants to ameliorate the sufferings of humanity; that is the end and aim of his life." 

{Tuesday} ^From Cunning to Kindness^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:02a PT | 5:02a ET

until it enters Sagittarius at 3:02a PT | 6:02a ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 8:32a PT | 11:32a ET (until early afternoon Thursday)

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