Friday, August 9, 2024

Messages for Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 August

Message for Saturday 10 August 2024

}Sagacious Contemplation{

"A man is running in the face of a strong wind, making little headway. His garments fly in tatters behind him." That's how it feels when Mercury is retrograde, as it is until August 28. "He sets himself against public opinion and incurs severe criticism and loss thereby." There is "a foolish pride and obstinacy."

On the contrary, "Two Dutch children talking" have "a childlike or unconditioned familiarity" with ways of "facilitating a more effective grasp of life on every practical or everyday level." "Common elements of background and skills" allow them to clarify things and "establish themselves at ease in any possible situation."

"An elephant with his castle on his back" has strength and cool courage. He is a defender and helper of the weak, and is endowed with great sagacity. Who is this in your world? Do you admire and emulate him or her?

One advantage of Mercury retrograde is a gift for "success in life of a quiet order" untroubled by ambition. This is a "no hurry" state of mind, symbolized by "A woodland scene, at the back of which stands a tower upon a hill." There is "a free, open and generous spirit, with a taste for natural beauties and exalted ideals." The keyword is Contemplation.

{Saturday} {Sagacious Contemplation}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 10: Moon in Libra-->Scorpio

/moon is void-of-course until it enters Scorpio at 3:35p PT | 6:35p ET

> moon remains in the Via Combusta

Sunday 11 August 2024: ~This Dark Epoch~

People are behaving in the way one would expect while Mercury is retrograde. Joe Rogan seemed to endorse Bobby Kennedy for President, then the next day said it was not an endorsement but just a statement that he liked Kennedy. Then Tim Pool said he would vote for Kennedy, and caused an uproar, but then a few hours later said he was "trolling" and was still for Trump (as those familiar with Pool's whimsies had thought). Re/versals are rampant. Kennedy thought Pool's initial endorsement was real and thanked him, then Pool told him he admired him but was still for Trump, and finally Kennedy said, "If you change your mind you know where I am." 

Meanwhile Kamala Harris has said she will have a full, long press interview "by the end of August" and Mercury turns direct on the 28th! Either she has an astrologer or, in this case, a gut sense of timing.

Go easy and don't jump to conclusions!

re/petition of something recently posted: 

\From "Outage" to "Innage"/ :

For any who doubt my discovery (Cosmic Piper's and only Cosmic Piper's) of the Dark Hermetic Epochs, please note that for months I have been saying here that a Dark Epoch would begin on July 17 and end on September 12. Now look at what happened on July 19: "American cybersecurity company CrowdStrike distributed a faulty update . . . that caused widespread problems with computers . . . As a result, roughly 8.5 million systems crashed . . . in what has been called the largest outage in the history of information technology and 'historic in scale'." --Wikipedia

This is the kind of thing one would expect to happen, if it happens at all, during a DHE. Note that this was in the extended DHE, my discovery, not the shorter Mercury-retrograde period which began Monday and continues to August 28.

It affected air travel and you must have seen photos of thousands of would-be fliers waiting for hours or days in terminals. 

Your personal affairs will not all be on "outage" but you may have more time-consuming annoyances with them, as I did today with bank accounts. 

It is good to be ready and willing to suffer some delays, probably every day in August and early September, and take breaks at unexpected times, or otherwise reshuffle schedules.

You are not going crazy or "losing it."

Pondering, meditating, reading, and dreaming can go well, what used to be called "right brain" activities, including music and the arts. 

{Sunday} ~This Dark Epoch~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 11: Moon in Scorpio, leaving the Via Combusta sometime in the evening (I admit I don't feel like calculating the exact minute)

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