Friday, August 30, 2024

Messages for Saturday 31 August, and Week Ahead ^Out of Bondage^

Messages for Saturday 31 August, and Week Ahead

^Out of Bondage^

Reticent and self-centered, disposed to his own views

And beliefs, this man seems bound in chains.

Estranged, he feels impoverished and unfree. 

At last his only route seems bankruptcy.


At a point of futility, it offers a chance for a more

Convenient converging of relationships. 

Delivered from a binding past, he looks ahead

To make a distinctive futurist drawing which can


Release the creative capacities of himself and others.

Experiment expands the human mind's uniqueness.

Yet the wisdom of the ages remains intact as an

Unremitting stream undershooting the water-wheel


Of aspiration. Leading characters in thoughtful

Schools and ashrams open courses of progress.


{Saturday} ^Out of Bondage^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Leo

\/ \/ \/

Week of August 31--September 7

I've said it many times: Although Mercury turned direct on Wednesday the 28th, we remain in the Slow or Dark Hermetic (Mercurial) Epoch until September 12. This has all the features of Mercury retrograde, as I have been trying to point out to the astrological community for more than 40 years. For example, yesterday I temporarily lost my apartment keys until three neighbors kindly helped me find them.

On the positive side, outward chaos, or "out of pattern" events, can facilitate inward musing and even spiritual breakthrough.

{Week of August 31-September 7}

Sunday September 1: Moon in Leo-->Virgo

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:26p PT | 8:26p ET

until it enters Virgo at 8:50p PT | 11:50p ET

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