Monday, August 19, 2024

Message for Tuesday 20 August 2024 ~Disputing, or Concentrating Wisely~

Message for Tuesday 20 August 2024

~Disputing, or Concentrating Wisely~

A blank sheet of white paper, on a table with

Mathematical instruments, invites work with

Concentration, but their owner follows other

Fruitless pursuits yielding no satisfaction.


Somewhere two men are fencing with swords, 

Or is that nations with tanks and bombs. A man

In black stands aside watching, perhaps a

Foreign fomentor. Fighting is a melancholy


Fate. In peacetime, workers engage in labor

Demonstrations and disputes, trying to prosper

By dramatizing rights, establishing justice.

Some gain wealth by adventitious means, 


As if getting large stones out of a rock, 

Succeeding with ordinary things most spurn.


{Tuesday} ~Disputing, or Concentrating Wisely~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week is at its peak all day, especially near 8p PT | 11p ET (ending late Wednesday night)

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