Sunday, August 25, 2024

Message for Monday 26 August 2024 }Serving Humbly{

Message for Monday 26 August 2024

}Serving Humbly{

A broken mallet lies on a carpenter's bench.

Awkwardness accompanies an unhappy disposition. 

Backwardness and bluntness make for victimhood.

A man trimming palms is stamping his own aesthetic


Sense on the world around him. There is harmony

Between the workman and his materials. 

A very long, straight road lies ahead, its end not

Visible. An uneventful, unambitious life has its


Perks. Uniformly even, it awakens no caution

So that adequate provision for contingencies

May be lacking. Still, a man walking along the

Uncharted route carries a long wand with a glass


Globe on the top. Charged with aromatics, it

Brings sweet odors to all and eases suffering.


{Monday} {Serving Humbly}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us, at its peak early Tuesday near 2a  PT | 5a ET, then ending early Wednesday morning 

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