Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Message for Wednesday 21 August 2024 ~Revelation~

Message for Wednesday 21 August 2024


"A man carrying a money-bag in each hand" is penurious and mercenary. Covetous, he puts remuneration ahead of justice, and acquires wealth by easy means. 

So he or she may cultivate "an orange tree loaded with fruit." She or he indulges freely in pleasures and luxuries, has fine tastes and many accomplishments. But, warns Charubel, "Let him beware! The sun does not always shine."

Nevertheless, all may enjoy "a barn dance." "Richness of living comes from uninhibited sharing, a maximum of happy give-and-take between any one individual and any other." Gregariousness is "an ability to plunge into major and rewarding experiences without the least self-reservation." 

After the ball is over, "An old sage sits by his midnight lamp, studying some grand problem." He has a profound intellect, a giant will and a mature judgment. "One who is a true magician." A benefit of Mercury being retrograde is that, no matter how tangled material affairs seem, there can be a plenitude of spiritual comprehension, vision, and revelation. May we be open to letting that come to us, perhaps in the midnight hours when we cry for assistance.

{Wednesday} ~Revelation~

Cosmic Piper 

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:55a PT | 5:55p ET
until it enters Aries at 4:03p PT | 7:03p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week continues until 10:55p PT | 1:55a(Th) ET

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