Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Message for Wednesday 14 August 2024 ^Moon River^

Message for Wednesday 14 August 2024

^Moon River^

While Mars is squaring Venus, closer by the day, and opposing Saturn, closer by the day, "A wolf is carrying away a lamb." Is the wolf Zelensky, Putin, Hamas, or the U. S. Deep State, unaccountable to its citizens? It's all of them, all of the warmongers. In personal lives it could be someone "deceptive, cunning, avaricious and cruel." 

"The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality" could be "a defeat of accomplishment by a senseless clinging to illusions." "Well-rounded individuality is the condition of all real progress." Or the transition to "mentality" could be the development of "a spiritual or eternal fellowship with human kind."

"A large undershot water-wheel" denotes "one who will prove a leading character in some great movement, or the founder of a society or school of philosophy." All that applies precisely to Sri Aurobindo whose sun is at this degree. Happy birthday to him! today and tomorrow. (The water-wheel in his case could be The Arya, the monthly journal through which he published his major books, as well as his epic poem Savitri which begins and ends at the same nexus in the "wheel of the years.") 

"A river winds its way through a broad tract of fields under the moon's rays." We or those around us may be "calm, joyous, tranquil and useful;" also "obliging and calm." We are not forceful but "exert an influence of a very effective kind which persuades through harmony." "Moon River, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style, some day." 

{Wednesday} ^Moon River^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak approximately 12:30p PT | 3:30p ET, ending Thursday around noon

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