Thursday, August 22, 2024

Message for Friday 23 August 2024 ^Elevated from Misanthropy^

Message for Friday 23 August 2024

^Elevated from Misanthropy^

A solitary rock jutting up from a waste of sand

Suggests fixity, steadfast gravity of character.

Cold and mathematical, one endures poverty as

Curable by method. On that rock, by the sea,


Sits a man naked, covering his eyes with his hands,

Estranged and exiled, lonely. He has let himself

Become somewhat misanthropic. He could get up and

Investigate an undershot water-wheel on a tributary,


For it cascades profound thoughts of a leader of a

Spiritual school. So he might find a less estranged

Path. He hears chirping above him. Three fledglings

In a nest high in a tree dramatize nascent


Possibilities of character in early transcendental 

Perspectives, immature while creatively elevated.


{Friday} ^Elevated from Misanthropy^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries-->Taurus

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:46a PT | 8:46a ET 

until it enters Taurus at 5:01p PT | 8:01p ET (more than 11 hours, so things are not hopeless but may be hard to capture distinctly)

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