Thursday, August 15, 2024

Message for Friday 16 August 2024 \Recovering Advantages/

Message for Friday 16 August 2024

\Recovering Advantages/

I keep mentioning Mercury retrograde (August 5-28) and the Dark Epoch (July 17-September 12) because it definitely helps me to remember them, many times a day, to reassure myself that I am not "losing it" and that the world, despite appearances, is not really totally cockeyed. So it seems, however. Kamala Harris is delaying big public interviews or speeches, wisely. Donald Trump is re/verting to some advisors to run his campaign that he re/lied on back in 2016, such as Lewandowski. As for Bobby Kennedy, he had to re/buke some ridiculous claims that he was negotiating for a position with Kamala Harris! He spoke out brilliantly. The Washington Post, liars, should hang their heads in shame.

What about peculiar misunderstandings between yourself and some associates? Let's be thankful that at least basic things are still functioning normally.


Mathematical instruments lie on a table with a

Sheet of blank white paper. But the mind of their

Owner is somewhere else. No math for him, to his

Chagrin. On a red ground, a reversed triangle 


Warns of passions, emotions, sexual allurements.

There is danger in or near water. Steady effort

Would cure instability. A beautiful woman nests

Doves upon her breast, one in each hand.


She is gentle and serves others usefully but may be

Pushed into the background despite her devotion.

A large archaic volume, open on a table, 

Contains indestructible experience, so that any path


Traversed may be taken again with greater ease,

Recovered advantage, broader self-discovery.


{Friday} /Recovered Advantage\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn 

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