Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Message for Thursday 15 August 2024 \Patient Work plus Profound Intellect/

Message for Thursday 15 August 2024

\Patient Work plus Profound Intellect/

Mars is exactly square Saturn, and "A man is mining in the rock with a pickaxe." This has to do with whatever in your work is routine and unambitious, a service to others as well as yourself. One might be "laborious, honest and just, occupied in hard endeavors to little personal profit. One should beware of accidents, while content with being "a man or woman of the people."

Likewise, "A man felling a tree" is humble and unambitious, "of large sympathies and warm feelings," perhaps enamored of "rustic things and the wild habits of the woodland life." "One sees good and finds contentment in rude work productive of current necessities." One may have "harsh manners but a soft heart."

"Two Chinese men talking Chinese" represent "a continual co-operation with fellow enthusiasts in various special areas of interest. There are potentials of high erudition and an exceptional refinement of the personality along original or unusual lines." One is not afraid to be Different, the keyword.

"An old sage sitting by his midnight lamp, studying some grand problem" has a profound intellect and gigantic will, plus mature judgment. "One who is a true magician." 

{Thursday} /Patient Work plus Profound Intellect\

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:53a PT | 12:53p ET

until it enters Capricorn at 10:52a PT | 1:52p ET

|Karmic, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 3:42p PT | 6:42p ET

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