Friday, August 23, 2024

Message for Saturday 24, Sunday 25, and Week Ahead

Message for Saturday 24 August 2024

\Safe Risk as Expression/

Crossed swords, over them a crown,

Do not bring abiding peace or happiness.

Some cut their way through life.

Others emulate a bareback rider


Mastering her immediate world audaciously.

Self-refinement is assiduous and valiant.

With seasonal change, children skate on ice

In a persisting imminence of adventure.


Successful self-expression and soul-satisfying

Experiment are not static aplomb, but fun. 

As for any danger involved, two angels are bringing

Protection. Conscious faith develops absolute


Certainty. Traditional legions of heavenly forces

Move to sustain the soul's eternal outreach.


{Saturday} /Safe Risk as Expression\

Moon in Taurus

\/ \/ \/

Sunday 25 and Coming Week: \Turning Point/

If you've been using these reports, you could maybe write this one yourself. Whining about Mercury retrograde! Yes, though it turns direct Wednesday the 28th in the afternoon. Still, the Dark Hermetic (Mercurial) Epoch continues until September 12. It's just about as difficult, usually. Had Bobby Kennedy asked for astrological guidance I might have recommended waiting till early September to decide on suspending his campaign. However, people like him and Donald Trump and Elon Musk seem to do very well without astrologers! In fact, astrological guidance might hurt their inborn intuitive sense. 

Kennedy announced the "suspension" of his campaign in the battleground states (to help Trump) while the moon was void-of-course, as it still is as I write on Friday. And I for one could not make his official link on X work at all; I had to rely on some other user providing an effective link and missed the first 11 minutes. In a chorus now: "Mercury retrograde! Moon void-of-course!" The evening Arizona Trump rally, where Kennedy is to join him, may be more upbeat for the moon will no longer be void but in early Taurus. 

I feel weary. As for the week of August 24-31, it could be somewhat easier than the week now ending, what with Venus moved away from her opposition with Saturn and Mars's square with Saturn loosening and Mercury at its station. It's a relatively optimistic turning point.

{Sunday, and Week of August 24-31} /Turning Point\

Sunday: Moon in Taurus-->Gemini

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:42p PT | 9:42p ET

until it enters Gemini at 8:05p PT | 11:05p ET

Cosmic Piper

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