Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Message for Thursday 8 July 2024 }Hard-Won Efficiency{

Message for Thursday 8 July 2024

}Hard-Won Efficiency{

"A soldier prepared for battle" could be any or all of the presidential candidates, or you or me. We are "of ready spirit, quick to respond to the call of duty and honor." That is well, because Mercury retrograde while Venus squares Mars and Mars squares Saturn requires "well-disciplined habits" in order to get anything done. "He will succeed in life through efficiency and his own executive powers."

"A field of corn standing high and ripe" is the reward. 

"A great musician at his piano" reminds us that music can do what words cannot. "Individual artistry is the property of all," as digital playlists in our age are making clearer than ever before.

"A man is riding a camel with attendants following." Now we have digital "followers" as well as bodily ones at concerts orallies. It's interesting how some are "elected" in the nature of things to stand for orepresent a multitude of others, their "attendants." "The character is stubborn and persevering, perhaps vindictive orevengeful; not forgetting injuries, yet not ungrateful either." The keyword is Journeying.

{Thursday} {Hard-Won Efficiency}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Virgo--Libra

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:41a PT | 4:41a ET

until it enters Libra at 2:33a PT | 5:33a ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 1:02p PT | 4:02p ET

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