Sunday, August 11, 2024

Message for Monday 12 August 2024 ~Intoxication~

Message for Monday 12 August 2024


The symbols, on a day of Mercury's continuing retrogradation plus the moon's uncomfortable position in Scorpio, tell a strange (or weird or brat) story, with different implications for each of us.

"A man is peeping around a corner at a company of armed men who are reconnoitering." Tulsi Gabbard is bringing suit against her own government which has been doing this to her. Donald Trump claims that Iran is hacking his campaign, or 'peeping around the corner" at him. In the UK there is a valid uproar over government surveillance and censorship.

"A woman suffragist haranguing" is indignant at injustice. Tulsi again, or Kamala, or . . . There has to be "a mutual give-and-take in respect to every real difference in point of view." Each side has to "substantiate right with a reasoned conviction." 

"Chickens intoxicated" represent, when negative, 'unnecessary bondage to externals" such as drugs or alcohol. This is "the futility of a dependence on physical agency for spiritual results." But "when positive, it is a creative self-mobilization which will enable the individual to rise to the needs of every possible situation." Thus the keyword, Accentuation.

"There is a bag of money on a table. Near it stands a dark woman masked." The owner of the bag is fortunate, attracting friends and money, "as birds come to the net of the snarer. But see! he will not know how to use it, so that it becomes a source of danger through the machinations of a woman. He is sociable, industrious and fortunate but liable to be victimized." 

{Monday} ~Intoxication~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

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