Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Message for Thursday 22 August 2024 ^Conviviality^

Message for Thursday 22 August 2024


A farmhouse between high mountains has a yard

Entered by a white gate. A rustic country life 

Delights some. White things or creatures are

Beneficial. A well-favored woman stands before a


Mirror. Is something sinister about her? 

She is sensuous, worldly, susceptible to flattery,

Easily led, therefore in danger of a downfall.

"Do-si-do" calls the dance maestro, and she


Faces her partner in the barn. Gregarious, all

Plunge into rustic steps and movements without

Self-reservation. The villagers have assembled 

In gala costume; sociable, flexible and


Friendly. Festivities, luxuries, feasting 

Promote esteem and conviviality.


{Thursday} ^Conviviality^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries

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