Friday, August 30, 2024

Messages for Saturday 31 August, and Week Ahead ^Out of Bondage^

Messages for Saturday 31 August, and Week Ahead

^Out of Bondage^

Reticent and self-centered, disposed to his own views

And beliefs, this man seems bound in chains.

Estranged, he feels impoverished and unfree. 

At last his only route seems bankruptcy.


At a point of futility, it offers a chance for a more

Convenient converging of relationships. 

Delivered from a binding past, he looks ahead

To make a distinctive futurist drawing which can


Release the creative capacities of himself and others.

Experiment expands the human mind's uniqueness.

Yet the wisdom of the ages remains intact as an

Unremitting stream undershooting the water-wheel


Of aspiration. Leading characters in thoughtful

Schools and ashrams open courses of progress.


{Saturday} ^Out of Bondage^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Leo

\/ \/ \/

Week of August 31--September 7

I've said it many times: Although Mercury turned direct on Wednesday the 28th, we remain in the Slow or Dark Hermetic (Mercurial) Epoch until September 12. This has all the features of Mercury retrograde, as I have been trying to point out to the astrological community for more than 40 years. For example, yesterday I temporarily lost my apartment keys until three neighbors kindly helped me find them.

On the positive side, outward chaos, or "out of pattern" events, can facilitate inward musing and even spiritual breakthrough.

{Week of August 31-September 7}

Sunday September 1: Moon in Leo-->Virgo

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:26p PT | 8:26p ET

until it enters Virgo at 8:50p PT | 11:50p ET

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Message for Friday 30 August 2024 ^Experiment^

Message for Friday 30 August 2024


A man declared bankrupt remains eternally an

Individual, able to enter new paths of opportunity.

He is delivered from futile involvements. 

He might take on the garb of a doctor of a monastic


Order, melancholic but kindly and humane,

Searching recondite sciences amid spiritual

Pursuits. Magical practices include carrying a

Wand charged with aromatics, wafting goodwill


And scented healing to all in need of relief.

He feels most honored when most he serves.

In the wake of ritual and restorative

Sleep, he grabs notebook and pen to make


Futurist drawings. Aesthetically they release personal

Uniqueness in others as well a himself. Experiment!


{Friday} ^Experiment^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer-->Leo

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:26a PT | 11:26a ET

until it enters Leo at 10:10a PT | 1:10p ET

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Message for Thursday 29 August 2024 ~Contemplation~

Message for Thursday 29 August 2024


Martial and quarrelsome, he draws a sword in an

Aggressive attitude. With little regard for others' feelings,

He meets with disgrace through impetuosity.

More freshly and naively, a gypsy coming out of the


Forest meets the enlarged horizons of the world

With generous co-operation, expending himself

Prodigally in self-release. He is gladly rewarded

So long as he doesn't withdraw indifferently.


An easy way to fit in is holding up a wand which

Wafts sweet odors everywhere. What seems whimsical

Magic becomes a humble service easing human

Suffering. All becomes a woodland scene with a


Tower upon a hill. Dispositions are frank and natural.

Quietude enhances ideals in rapt contemplation.


{Thursday} ~Contemplation~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Message for Wednesday 28 August 2024 ~Lonely Splendor~

Message for Wednesday 28 August 2024

~Lonely Splendor~

A man stands with his head shrouded in black

Cloth. He is melancholy and eccentric, searching

For secret things at midnights, dwelling often in

Obscurity. Socially he's reserved and bashful, as if


Standing with his back to the only woman he's loved.

Marriage seems out of the question. His affections are

Sincere but modest. He seems akin to winter frost

Evident in the woods on cool mornings, nature in him


Canceling private concerns and requesting a kind of

Reorientation. There's magical splendor in seasonal

Change. Without a mate, he attaches a glass globe

To a long wand. It's charged with aromatics which waft


Through the air to cure some of the ills of 

Suffering humanity--and his own loneliness.


{Wednesday} ~Lonely Splendor~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer

/moon goes void-of-course at 0:15a PT | 3:15a ET

until it enters Cancer at 1:49a PT | 4:49a ET

Monday, August 26, 2024

Message for Tuesday 27 August 2024 }Seasonal Splendor{

Message for Tuesday 27 August 2024

}Seasonal Splendor{

room full of machinery and jars of chemicals

Belongs to an active person; a scientist,

Inventor and perceptive experimentalist.

But out in the woods there is frost among the


Branches, a cancellation of summer accompanied by

Splendid reorientation during Nature's magical 

Suspension. Along a forest pathway a woman 

Carries a long wand with a glass globe at the top.


Charged with aromatics, when lifted near the haunts

Of men it fills the air with sweet odors which alleviate

Suffering. The frost in the trees, thawing now, reveals

Branches laden with fruit. The owner of the orchard


Is generous, with a large family and many friends. 

What he needs for success and peace falls to him.


{Tuesday} {Seasonal Splendor}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Wednesday at 5:09a PT | 8:09a ET

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Message for Monday 26 August 2024 }Serving Humbly{

Message for Monday 26 August 2024

}Serving Humbly{

A broken mallet lies on a carpenter's bench.

Awkwardness accompanies an unhappy disposition. 

Backwardness and bluntness make for victimhood.

A man trimming palms is stamping his own aesthetic


Sense on the world around him. There is harmony

Between the workman and his materials. 

A very long, straight road lies ahead, its end not

Visible. An uneventful, unambitious life has its


Perks. Uniformly even, it awakens no caution

So that adequate provision for contingencies

May be lacking. Still, a man walking along the

Uncharted route carries a long wand with a glass


Globe on the top. Charged with aromatics, it

Brings sweet odors to all and eases suffering.


{Monday} {Serving Humbly}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us, at its peak early Tuesday near 2a  PT | 5a ET, then ending early Wednesday morning 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Message for Saturday 24, Sunday 25, and Week Ahead

Message for Saturday 24 August 2024

\Safe Risk as Expression/

Crossed swords, over them a crown,

Do not bring abiding peace or happiness.

Some cut their way through life.

Others emulate a bareback rider


Mastering her immediate world audaciously.

Self-refinement is assiduous and valiant.

With seasonal change, children skate on ice

In a persisting imminence of adventure.


Successful self-expression and soul-satisfying

Experiment are not static aplomb, but fun. 

As for any danger involved, two angels are bringing

Protection. Conscious faith develops absolute


Certainty. Traditional legions of heavenly forces

Move to sustain the soul's eternal outreach.


{Saturday} /Safe Risk as Expression\

Moon in Taurus

\/ \/ \/

Sunday 25 and Coming Week: \Turning Point/

If you've been using these reports, you could maybe write this one yourself. Whining about Mercury retrograde! Yes, though it turns direct Wednesday the 28th in the afternoon. Still, the Dark Hermetic (Mercurial) Epoch continues until September 12. It's just about as difficult, usually. Had Bobby Kennedy asked for astrological guidance I might have recommended waiting till early September to decide on suspending his campaign. However, people like him and Donald Trump and Elon Musk seem to do very well without astrologers! In fact, astrological guidance might hurt their inborn intuitive sense. 

Kennedy announced the "suspension" of his campaign in the battleground states (to help Trump) while the moon was void-of-course, as it still is as I write on Friday. And I for one could not make his official link on X work at all; I had to rely on some other user providing an effective link and missed the first 11 minutes. In a chorus now: "Mercury retrograde! Moon void-of-course!" The evening Arizona Trump rally, where Kennedy is to join him, may be more upbeat for the moon will no longer be void but in early Taurus. 

I feel weary. As for the week of August 24-31, it could be somewhat easier than the week now ending, what with Venus moved away from her opposition with Saturn and Mars's square with Saturn loosening and Mercury at its station. It's a relatively optimistic turning point.

{Sunday, and Week of August 24-31} /Turning Point\

Sunday: Moon in Taurus-->Gemini

/moon goes void-of-course at 6:42p PT | 9:42p ET

until it enters Gemini at 8:05p PT | 11:05p ET

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Message for Friday 23 August 2024 ^Elevated from Misanthropy^

Message for Friday 23 August 2024

^Elevated from Misanthropy^

A solitary rock jutting up from a waste of sand

Suggests fixity, steadfast gravity of character.

Cold and mathematical, one endures poverty as

Curable by method. On that rock, by the sea,


Sits a man naked, covering his eyes with his hands,

Estranged and exiled, lonely. He has let himself

Become somewhat misanthropic. He could get up and

Investigate an undershot water-wheel on a tributary,


For it cascades profound thoughts of a leader of a

Spiritual school. So he might find a less estranged

Path. He hears chirping above him. Three fledglings

In a nest high in a tree dramatize nascent


Possibilities of character in early transcendental 

Perspectives, immature while creatively elevated.


{Friday} ^Elevated from Misanthropy^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries-->Taurus

/moon goes void-of-course at 5:46a PT | 8:46a ET 

until it enters Taurus at 5:01p PT | 8:01p ET (more than 11 hours, so things are not hopeless but may be hard to capture distinctly)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Message for Thursday 22 August 2024 ^Conviviality^

Message for Thursday 22 August 2024


A farmhouse between high mountains has a yard

Entered by a white gate. A rustic country life 

Delights some. White things or creatures are

Beneficial. A well-favored woman stands before a


Mirror. Is something sinister about her? 

She is sensuous, worldly, susceptible to flattery,

Easily led, therefore in danger of a downfall.

"Do-si-do" calls the dance maestro, and she


Faces her partner in the barn. Gregarious, all

Plunge into rustic steps and movements without

Self-reservation. The villagers have assembled 

In gala costume; sociable, flexible and


Friendly. Festivities, luxuries, feasting 

Promote esteem and conviviality.


{Thursday} ^Conviviality^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aries

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Message for Wednesday 21 August 2024 ~Revelation~

Message for Wednesday 21 August 2024


"A man carrying a money-bag in each hand" is penurious and mercenary. Covetous, he puts remuneration ahead of justice, and acquires wealth by easy means. 

So he or she may cultivate "an orange tree loaded with fruit." She or he indulges freely in pleasures and luxuries, has fine tastes and many accomplishments. But, warns Charubel, "Let him beware! The sun does not always shine."

Nevertheless, all may enjoy "a barn dance." "Richness of living comes from uninhibited sharing, a maximum of happy give-and-take between any one individual and any other." Gregariousness is "an ability to plunge into major and rewarding experiences without the least self-reservation." 

After the ball is over, "An old sage sits by his midnight lamp, studying some grand problem." He has a profound intellect, a giant will and a mature judgment. "One who is a true magician." A benefit of Mercury being retrograde is that, no matter how tangled material affairs seem, there can be a plenitude of spiritual comprehension, vision, and revelation. May we be open to letting that come to us, perhaps in the midnight hours when we cry for assistance.

{Wednesday} ~Revelation~

Cosmic Piper 

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:55a PT | 5:55p ET
until it enters Aries at 4:03p PT | 7:03p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week continues until 10:55p PT | 1:55a(Th) ET

Monday, August 19, 2024

Message for Tuesday 20 August 2024 ~Disputing, or Concentrating Wisely~

Message for Tuesday 20 August 2024

~Disputing, or Concentrating Wisely~

A blank sheet of white paper, on a table with

Mathematical instruments, invites work with

Concentration, but their owner follows other

Fruitless pursuits yielding no satisfaction.


Somewhere two men are fencing with swords, 

Or is that nations with tanks and bombs. A man

In black stands aside watching, perhaps a

Foreign fomentor. Fighting is a melancholy


Fate. In peacetime, workers engage in labor

Demonstrations and disputes, trying to prosper

By dramatizing rights, establishing justice.

Some gain wealth by adventitious means, 


As if getting large stones out of a rock, 

Succeeding with ordinary things most spurn.


{Tuesday} ~Disputing, or Concentrating Wisely~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week is at its peak all day, especially near 8p PT | 11p ET (ending late Wednesday night)

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Message for Monday 19 August 2024 }From Toil to Lightness{

Message for Monday 19 August 2024

}From Toil to Lightness{

Can one become wealthy by means which most would

Consider beneath their notice? Can granite stones be

Obtained from a rock? Look North for wealth-secrets.

A husbandman, cattle-dealer, holds a stock-whip.


He has a taste for excitement, rugged and genuine. 

He may be lacking in suavity but is respected. 

Were he to take a factory job, before long he

Would be leading a labor demonstration, 


Knowing that lines of property and private rights

Should be a social stewardship. He tries to establish

Rights in justice. He aims to represent all workers,

Many little birds on the limb of a large tree of


Industry. Theiramifying interests are a happy

Lightness of the human spirit transcending toil.


{Monday} {From Toil to Lightness}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:27a PT | 2:27p ET, the exact time of the Full Moon of Leo-Aquarius, until it enters Pisces at 3:53p PT | 6:53p ET 

Full Moon at time just given

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 4:35p PT | 7:35p ET, until Wednesday morning

Friday, August 16, 2024

Messages for Saturday & Sunday 17-18 August, and Week Ahead

Messages for Saturday, Sunday and Coming Week

Message for Saturday 17 August 2024


A man descending into a pit is forgetting things,

Remembering the basement of his childhood home,

Remonstrating that he never should have left it.

There he could sit and study a large archaic


Volume filled with illimitable sources of wisdom.

Loyalty to roots and background disentangles

Present involvements. He hears music, and ascends

The stairs to find several people assembled in


Festive attire, talking and singing. Associations

Formed casually combine those mutually

Advantageous. All look to the sky where glimmers

rainbow. Spiritual power and significance

Don't fade. Consistent ordering of the world

Co-operates with every vision kept alive. 


{Saturday} {Rainbow}

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 1:44p PT | 4:44p ET

until it enters Aquarius at 2:46p PT | 5:46p ET

\/ \/ \/

Sunday 18, and Week Ahead

^Depth of Soul^

I keep harping on the Dark (Slow, inward) Hermetic Epoch (July 17-September 12) and the Mercury retrograde period at its core (August 5-28) because in my career as an astrological prognosticator I have found that the Bright and Dark Epochs mark out two almost temporally equal yet experientially opposite kinds of Time. Things move forward in both of them, but in a more complex, tangled and confusing manner during the Dark Epochs. 

Example: Joe Biden's resignation and Kamala's surge to power occurred rapidly in the week or two following July 17. Does that mean Harris's campaign is ill-fated? Not necessarily, but it means that all that happens at the Democratic Convention in Chicago this week is subject to later evaluation. Kamala has a birth horoscope that is lucky in many ways. It may seem that she is riding high, yet some of her momentum could be a carnival bubble-ride. We will not know until September-October, specifically until the BHE of September 12-November 6. (Yes, a new DHE begins just two days after the election. We hope fervently that it will not be an extended questioning of and litigation of the results, yet it could be.) 

Meanwhile this week is the Democratic National Convention. A Twitter astrologer just tweeted that the Democrats couldn't have picked a worse time, and I concurred. Not only is Mercury retrograde but Venus is squared Mars and opposed to Saturn while Mars and Jupiter are also square Saturn, all by close orbs. I hope the Democrats have good powerful chaplains to deliver strong prayers or exorcisms. (If those who believe in abortion could also believe in exorcism.) I'm not saying all will be at one another's throats, but there shall be strong tensions. Perhaps some fiery speeches will backfire. More basically, this is a spiritual challenge of a deep sort and the eyes of Karma (more than Kamala) shall be upon the participants. 

As for the personal lives of all of us, disagreements and conflicts are not insuperable but could be challenging. When is it wise to bring up a painful issue with someone close to you and when is it wise to hold back? Your own best judgment, aided by prayer and its Hearer, has to determine that. 

We may feel grief about things we have done, or things we have left undone, in earlier periods of our lives. Catholics will approach such soul heaviness differently than Evangelicals or Buddhists or Hindus or agnostics. God is merciful yet it seems that his mercy must be sought in one way or another. 

{Week of August 17-25} ^Depth of Soul^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 18: Moon in Aquarius

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Message for Friday 16 August 2024 \Recovering Advantages/

Message for Friday 16 August 2024

\Recovering Advantages/

I keep mentioning Mercury retrograde (August 5-28) and the Dark Epoch (July 17-September 12) because it definitely helps me to remember them, many times a day, to reassure myself that I am not "losing it" and that the world, despite appearances, is not really totally cockeyed. So it seems, however. Kamala Harris is delaying big public interviews or speeches, wisely. Donald Trump is re/verting to some advisors to run his campaign that he re/lied on back in 2016, such as Lewandowski. As for Bobby Kennedy, he had to re/buke some ridiculous claims that he was negotiating for a position with Kamala Harris! He spoke out brilliantly. The Washington Post, liars, should hang their heads in shame.

What about peculiar misunderstandings between yourself and some associates? Let's be thankful that at least basic things are still functioning normally.


Mathematical instruments lie on a table with a

Sheet of blank white paper. But the mind of their

Owner is somewhere else. No math for him, to his

Chagrin. On a red ground, a reversed triangle 


Warns of passions, emotions, sexual allurements.

There is danger in or near water. Steady effort

Would cure instability. A beautiful woman nests

Doves upon her breast, one in each hand.


She is gentle and serves others usefully but may be

Pushed into the background despite her devotion.

A large archaic volume, open on a table, 

Contains indestructible experience, so that any path


Traversed may be taken again with greater ease,

Recovered advantage, broader self-discovery.


{Friday} /Recovered Advantage\

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Capricorn 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Message for Thursday 15 August 2024 \Patient Work plus Profound Intellect/

Message for Thursday 15 August 2024

\Patient Work plus Profound Intellect/

Mars is exactly square Saturn, and "A man is mining in the rock with a pickaxe." This has to do with whatever in your work is routine and unambitious, a service to others as well as yourself. One might be "laborious, honest and just, occupied in hard endeavors to little personal profit. One should beware of accidents, while content with being "a man or woman of the people."

Likewise, "A man felling a tree" is humble and unambitious, "of large sympathies and warm feelings," perhaps enamored of "rustic things and the wild habits of the woodland life." "One sees good and finds contentment in rude work productive of current necessities." One may have "harsh manners but a soft heart."

"Two Chinese men talking Chinese" represent "a continual co-operation with fellow enthusiasts in various special areas of interest. There are potentials of high erudition and an exceptional refinement of the personality along original or unusual lines." One is not afraid to be Different, the keyword.

"An old sage sitting by his midnight lamp, studying some grand problem" has a profound intellect and gigantic will, plus mature judgment. "One who is a true magician." 

{Thursday} /Patient Work plus Profound Intellect\

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:53a PT | 12:53p ET

until it enters Capricorn at 10:52a PT | 1:52p ET

|Karmic, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 3:42p PT | 6:42p ET

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Message for Wednesday 14 August 2024 ^Moon River^

Message for Wednesday 14 August 2024

^Moon River^

While Mars is squaring Venus, closer by the day, and opposing Saturn, closer by the day, "A wolf is carrying away a lamb." Is the wolf Zelensky, Putin, Hamas, or the U. S. Deep State, unaccountable to its citizens? It's all of them, all of the warmongers. In personal lives it could be someone "deceptive, cunning, avaricious and cruel." 

"The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality" could be "a defeat of accomplishment by a senseless clinging to illusions." "Well-rounded individuality is the condition of all real progress." Or the transition to "mentality" could be the development of "a spiritual or eternal fellowship with human kind."

"A large undershot water-wheel" denotes "one who will prove a leading character in some great movement, or the founder of a society or school of philosophy." All that applies precisely to Sri Aurobindo whose sun is at this degree. Happy birthday to him! today and tomorrow. (The water-wheel in his case could be The Arya, the monthly journal through which he published his major books, as well as his epic poem Savitri which begins and ends at the same nexus in the "wheel of the years.") 

"A river winds its way through a broad tract of fields under the moon's rays." We or those around us may be "calm, joyous, tranquil and useful;" also "obliging and calm." We are not forceful but "exert an influence of a very effective kind which persuades through harmony." "Moon River, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style, some day." 

{Wednesday} ^Moon River^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak approximately 12:30p PT | 3:30p ET, ending Thursday around noon