Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Message for Wednesday 13 April 2022

 Wednesday 13 April 2022

\Magic Afoot/

Moon in Virgo

Pardon my superstition, but as I write on Tuesday a big story is the 13 people injured in a Brooklyn subway station by a maniac gunner.  That was on the 12th, in Tarot the Hanged Man card.  Add 12 to 4, number of April, and 16 equals the actual number of those hurt, according to the Daily Mail as I write.  16 is the Lightning-Struck Tower.  Also Tuesday Putin declared that negotiations to end the war are at a "dead end."  You may be reading this on the 13th represented by the Death card, but we go through that every month and the symbols for today are quite nice so I think today, Wednesday, will be noticeably better than Monday or Tuesday. 

For Tuesday we had the symbol "a comet with a long tail, an instrument of evil powers" which was discussed in the Tuesday report in connection with the philosophic question "Are there evil powers?"  I don't know the complete answer but on Tuesday two text messages I had sent were mysteriously not sent, I got a pointless robocall and a pointless Covid warning when I had already opted out of such warnings, a gunman shot people in Brooklyn (and threw a smoke bomb into the subway car, the comet tail!), and I read that Putin says peace talks are at a "dead end."  Yes, it seems the "comet tail" is hitting us, however that might be understood.  That particular degree-symbol shall not recur until April 16-17, 2023. 


Thank heaven the |difficult third| of this week has passed.  We have quite good symbols.  "The moon in her first quarter" hints that we could be "too sanguine" and yet "on the whole, fortunate," even through speculation.  "An old man with a pack on his back and a long staff in his hand walking down a hill" has followed an adventurous path with an uncertain livelihood.  He has roamed, with quiet resignation.  He attains some distinction during his long pilgrimage.

How much is enough, in terms of gain from endeavors?  "A large field of corn and a great number of reapers but very few sheaves."  High aspirations and good motives secure gain ultimately even if the figures are disappointing at first.  Meanwhile one might be "a person who loves passionately, a great admirer of the opposite (or same) sex" as indicated by "a large elliptical figure on the ground, and a man standing upright within."  Magic is afoot, because one is "a lover of the beautiful in art and in nature."  

There could be "a green field surrounded by shrubberies, with a nice villa on the north-east side."  I told you last week of how, when this symbol came up on Thursday, I walked to the north-east of my home and chanced upon an old friend from whom I had been alienated for two years.  That was amazing.  You might try the experiment today by going to the north-east of your home or office or wherever you happen to be.  "He will possess an adequacy to keep him; and with this he has the disposition to be content."  (This degree-symbol shall not come up again until March 30, 2023.)  The "green field" could even be a "mystic meadow" as "the field of Ardath in bloom," indicating the friendliness of the universe as depicted in Marie Corelli's novel.  There is a continuity of good will, inviting reliance on oneself and on others.  

{Wednesday}  /Magic Afoot\

Cosmic Piper

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