Sunday, April 24, 2022

Message for Monday 25 April 2022

 Monday 25 April 2022

~Confident Look Forward~

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

|karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues (until very early Tuesday)

/moon is void-of-course

until it enters Pisces at 3:16a PT | 6:16a ET | 10:16a UT

A new Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch begins at 11:49p PT | 2:49a(Tu) ET | 6:49a(Tu) UT (lasting until June 20)

Trying to make clear the Hermetic Epochs takes much exposition.  Suffice it to say for now that this is the final day of a Bright or Fast epoch which began February 24, the day Russia attacked Ukraine.  It was not a happy Epoch.  Most people I know, like the Ukrainians but to a smaller degree, were going through life-challenging crises or challenges.  The Epoch beginning late today or early tomorrow is on the Slow or Confusing or Reconstructive side, yet the chart for the entire two months (ending on June 19) is better than the chart for the previous Bright Epoch.  So I am holding out hope. 

One clue:  Preparation for the coming two months could go better today (before the Dark Epoch officially begins) than tomorrow, but that is not necessarily true.  

Monday:  In fact, we have "a warrior in helmet drawing a long bow to which the fletch is duly set" so we could have "a lofty aim and in some sense the gift of prophecy and knowledge of future events."  There might be too much hazard in our plans, but we are large-hearted and alert to any fraud or deception, with great soul-force, so we should be protected.  

The moon with Mars, while the sun is sextile both, gives eagerness for life, with alacrity in "the struggles and competitions of everyday experience."  We are something like "a jockey" practicing toward a consistent performance of  skills and talents. Five planets in Pisces including the moon is quite romantic.  There is "a large elliptical figure on the ground, and a person standing upright within."  He or she "loves passionately; is a great admirer of the opposite sex and a lover of the beautiful in art and in nature."  

The Pisces emphasis is occult.  Charubel says " * * *  This is an occult degree.  He or she will have a spirit companion, the nature of which is determined by his or her character."  If we open to the good side of this influence we could be like "an elephant.  A person possessing much sagacity, a great amount of secrecy, and implicit confidence in his or her own strength."  

{Monday}  ~Confident Look Forward~

Cosmic Piper

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