Saturday, April 16, 2022

Message for Sunday 17 April 2022

 Sunday 17 April 2022

~Mysterious Metamorphosis~

Moon in Scorpio
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Tuesday late morning
< moon leaves the Via Combusta at 6:27p PT | 9:27p ET | 1:27a(M) UT
The moon was full, in the last degrees of Libra, with the sun in the final degrees of Aries, Saturday at 2:58p PT | 5;58P ET | 9:58p UT

The lunar signals listed above connote "a large disappointed audience." This is frequent on holidays if we expect too much from them.  Whether the pagan Easter eggs or the Christian church service, things may seem less than hoped.  There is a disjunction between one's mood and "the mood of the masses" so that either one's own talents or someone else's go unappreciated.  Selfhood should "rest secure in its own creative potentiality, catering to nothing exterior to itself."  This is "spiritual independence."  As for "a petrified forest," this is long-lasting survival.  It is "an eternal stout-heartedness and its very practical dividends in spiritual continuance" (which can be physical continuance also at its apex).

"A new moon that divides its influences" is actually a full moon this time (its exactitute on Saturday is given above).  This is finesse, and "making a fine skill of one's uncertainty," waiting to commit oneself until one "encounters a full response to one's ultimate motives.."  One might escape from the "disappointed audience" into "the mouth of a dark cavern in a rock, covered by a dark and somber curtain hanging from a horizontal pole."  In that case one would be " a lover of solitude, a student of the mystical and a possessor of hidden knowledge."  

Not everything is ineffable, and one might emulate "a man stripped to the waist hewing timber" if there are labors into which one wishes to enter "with a good will and earnest soul."  "However slender his means, he will so work as to deserve more."  This is the animal in us working to be human and finally superhuman, as if "a bunny metamorphosed into a fairy."  As for this holiday, the Easter Bunny has his place in a childlike consciousness,  At some point he or she is metamorphosed into something more spiritual, maybe a fairy, or more properly the Angel of the Risen Christ.  

{Sunday}  ~Mysterious Metamorphosis~

Cosmic Piper

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