Friday, April 15, 2022

Message for Saturday 16 April 2022

 Saturday 16 April 2022

}Mutual Cherishing{

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon remains in the Via Combusta until late Sunday afternoon
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:58p PT | 5:58p ET | 9:59p UT
until it enters Scorpio at 5:24p PT | 8:24p ET | 12:24a(Su) UT

It might not be sacrilegious to suggest that "a squirrel hiding from hunters" correlates, to a degree, with Holy Saturday when Jesus was in the grave before his resurrection.  As for us, there can be cautious conservatism, preventing us from "entering any phase of experience where the risks are out of proportion to probable rewards."  Yet one ought not to shirk what remains a duty, or one could be like "a man richly attired, having lost his foothold, falling to the ground."  Good judgment and persistence are needed to prevent "the breaking up of families and the loss of their traditions."  

Humble effort is not to be despised.  "A farmyard implement with four prongs" represents work which is not ambitious, making one "a useful member of society, content with one's present lot."  From such humble beginnings one might rise toward possessing "a crown plus an upright sword," emblem of victory.  Either one is a king or queen or one serves a kingly or queenly person, because one is "upright and aspiring, sustained by an unswerving faith."  

Or, if one reverts to the "fall" of paragraph 1, one would be like " a man sowing in the wind," "occupying himself with vain and illusive projects."  What could prevent this is a strong wish to guard and cherish those one cares about.  Have they failed in some ways?  Welcome to the human race.  "A circle within a circle, both concentric" "indicates a life that is bounded by another, a happiness that can never be shared alone."  "The circle of existence will embrace close relationships in perfect accord, symmetrically."  One is disposed to share harmony within united circles of mutual protection.  

{Saturday}  {Mutual Cherishing}

Cosmic Piper

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