Friday, April 8, 2022

Message for Saturday 9 April 2022

 Saturday 9 April 2022

~Available Social Pleasures~

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:02p PT | 9:02p ET | 1:02a(Su) UT
until it enters Leo at 9:01p PT | 12:01a(Su) ET | 4:01a(Su) UT

There are new reports by researchers at Columbia University that there are possibly dangerous levels of Uranium in two-thirds of American water supplies.  This happens while Saturn and Mars, the two "malefic" planets, are in Aquarius the sign ruled by Uranus which of course also rules Uranium.  Fascinating.  

In Thursday's report I said:  'One might be gifted with "a green field surrounded by shrubberies; on the north-east side is a nice villa."  If you want to be creatively superstitious you might go exploring to the northeast of your home or office.'  When I had time in the late afternoon I did this, walking to a little park to the northeast of my home.  I enjoyed the Spring sunshine there and a snack.  More interestingly, on the way I crossed an intersection with a very tall pine tree rising above it, and as I stepped into the intersection a pinecone fell at my feet.  I picked it up.  It was quite beautiful and I put it in my pocket.  Then I realized that this was a few yards from the home of an old friend I had not seen for a couple of years (we had had a political disagreement).  On the way back from the park, when I got near the same intersection my friend unexpectedly called to me from his window.  We spent an hour drinking beer, conversing and remembering old times.  And so the forecast (taken from our old reliable clairvoyant Charubel) was exactly right!  I acted on its advice and a semi-miracle happened.


"A shovel standing near an open grave in which a man is digging."  This is not to be taken literally, of course, but it could actually be a good omen of "death delayed."  There is no body in the grave and a shovel stands near it, unused.  Someone in fear of grave illness may get a reprieve.  "An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets" suggests happy memories which sustain current beauties.  Traditions link the past with the present.  There is "an over-all continuance of meaning and identity in which self may anchor itself."  

"Three men advancing arm in arm" "are given to friendship and the delights of social intercourse, fostering amicable relations among many."  One "will have many supporters" and "may profitably be engaged in the instruction and leading of others." There is a fondness for pleasure.  If those with whom one "advances arm in arm" are sometimes "wayfaring and deceitful men," that may be part of the price one pays for other attributes of theirs which make for good company.

"A farmyard and a woman milking a cow" might mean one enjoys dairy products, or it could just be blissful contentment with Nature's simple offerings.  These could be pristine and harmless, or they could appear in the guise of "a woman reclining upon a couch, scantily attired."  The ease and luxury of life ultimate in pleasures of the senses.  This could be indolence or ineptitude at worst, or just innocuous seductive sensuousness.  

{Saturday}  ~Available Social Pleasures~

Cosmic Piper

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