Monday, April 11, 2022

Message for Tuesday 12 April 2022

 Tuesday 12 April 2022

\Fragile Butterfly/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Wednesday morning
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:18a PT | 6:18a ET | 10:18a UT
until it enters Virgo at 7:09a PT | 10:09a ET | 2:09p UT

You may have noted that I put the harder aspects and symbols first, the nicer ones last.  We have to stumble through the mud or climb the jagged rocks to get to the summit or the picnic grounds.  There are an unusual number of harsh symbols today, plus the |difficult third| of this week, so please be patient and try to sublimate the emblems toward something positive for you. Maybe the angel in you has to see what the demons are doing in order to transform that into something wonderful.

One could bring on oneself the bad karma of "a man submerged in the water with upraised arms."  He has attempted what he could not accomplish and needs to "get out of the water" and face the fact that he has overextended himself.  Then while drying off he can amend things.  The "affronts of fortune" test our ability to be independent, and warn us when we have more remedial work to do.  "The moon in her first quarter" is saying that we are expecting too much, at first, from our speculations;  but still we shall be, on the whole, fortunate.  

The moon is in Virgo, sometimes a sign of farming.  There is "a large field of corn and a great number of reapers but very few sheaves."  One's good motives and high aspirations are commendable in themselves even if they do not immediately bring "adequate results."  We often feel poorer during the |difficult third| of each week.  "A ram standing alone, looking toward a flock of sheep in the distance" could be an Aries individual celebrating his or her birthday this month alone and wondering why he or she has no mate, yet not really caring very much.  Perhaps marriage is not for her or him (of course this is just a daily forecast).  

Why does there seem to be evil?  The question of the ages, dealt with by hundreds of major philosophers and theologians in different ways.  Is there "a comet with a long tail pointing toward the earth" which represents "a scourge of nations, whose influence will prove baneful to all with whom they have to do"?  Is this Putin, or Zelensky, or Trump, or Biden, or Elon Musk, or Xi, or Jeff Bezos, or . . .?  Are we objectifying "evil" into individual "scourges" in a way which clarifies nothing?  I question; you answer.  Are we blaming comets, or planets, for our own errors?  Sri Aurobindo:  "The universe was not now this senseless whirl / Borne round inert on an immense machine; / A mechanism no more or work of Chance, / But a living movement of the body of God."  "A secret sense awoke that could perceive / A Presence and a Greatness everywhere."  We are like an instinct-driven worm weaving a cocoon until it becomes "a butterfly emerging from chrysalis."  "The wonders of a continuing creation" emanate from within ourselves and all.  An answer satisfying the winged soul may not be couched in words satisfying the crawling mind.  

{Tuesday}  /Fragile Butterfly\

Cosmic Piper

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