Friday, April 22, 2022

Message for Saturday 23 April 2022

Saturday 23 April 2022

}Faith Brings Benediction{

Moon in Aquarius

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 10:58a PT | 2:58p ET | 6:58p UT (until very early Tuesday)

Many will feel "strong and forceful," with a "proud and conflicting spirit" leading to "celerity of action."  If however some impulse will not "bear the light of day" you can realize that in your moments of rest, and correct the tendency.  You are wanting to preserve your treasure, as if "a jewelry shop."  (The sun, Mercury, and Uranus are in Taurus often considered  the sign of jewelry.)  Personal display is a luxury which "mirrors any marked achievement in character or skills."  

At the same time, one will not want to "repudiate or neglect one's higher ideals" but rather to hold up "every standard or allegiance through which life has been made worthwhile."  Then one will not be responsible for "a cross lying on rocks" but will have a clear conscience.  As for "the rainbow's pot of gold," "the universal matrix of life promises a treasure complementing whatever spirituality the self has brought into manifestation."  Faith and inner assurance enable us to "hold steady in every course of our choosing."  

One can be "sensitive to any imposition or fraud," detecting it at once because one has "great soul force" and is "large-hearted."  Innate honesty protects from deception.  Four planets in generally beneficent Pisces could bring "a harvest moon" which is "a threshold of new achievement."  "Nature in her prodigality is forever showering humanity with the products of her untiring creativeness."  "She is saying that each individual's productivity is as rich as hers" and this is a self-consummating benediction.

{Saturday}  {Faith Brings Benediction}

Cosmic Piper

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