Sunday, April 17, 2022

Message for Monday 18 April 2022

 Monday 18 April 2022

~Path Marked Out~

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Tuesday forenoon
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:56p PT | 7:56p ET | 11:56p UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 7:18p PT | 10:18p ET | 2:18a(Tu) UT

Charubel gives us a peculiar symbol denoting "one who is a stranger to the public and not very popular; incapable of thinking on abstract truths."  This may be one side of us but not the only side, for "a new moon is dividing its influences."  This in actuality is a full moon, exact on Saturday and slowly declining.  "One's action must be tentative until one achieves one's own true self-discovery."  One might "refuse to commit oneself except as one encounters a full response to one's deeper realization and ultimate motives."  This is a  finesse of tentative judgment.

You may be realizing what in you is immortal and what temporary; what is certain and what uncertain.  "A petrified forest" has lasted beyond all normal expectation.  But one has to make "immediate and personal contributions" to anything lasting.  One's effective continuity of effort is one's survival.  Then one may hear "a celestial choir singing."  One might be part of that choir, venerating the One "within every range of one's powers and skills."  One could "manifest those eternal realities through which all people find themselves at one."  

"An arrow in flight passing through a cloud of smoke" is a penetrating and ambitious mind.  There is keen determination, without vacillation.  One feels that one's path is marked out, and so one follows it directly, straight past any "smoky" obstructions.  An early start would help.  "A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy" is what could happen when one has taken care of business and relaxed into a splendid transition, "molding and remolding everyday reality,"  endowing everything with "personal or more dynamic meanings."  

{Monday}  ~Path Marked Out~

Cosmic Piper

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