Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sunday 14 June 2015

Sunday 24 June 2015

}Rising Through Vulnerabilities{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/void-of-course   ** / |
until it enters Gemini at 10:52a PT | 1:52p ET | 5:52p UT  ** |

The long-term aspects deserve perhaps more attention in these reports.

Neptune in Pisces is a long-term placement, from 2012 to 2026. In and of itself it means something, but it would require a long thoughtful essay to explicate that, and the essay could be rewritten several times over the next fourteen years as our experience of the aspect reveals more and more what it means. Astrology is an experiential or phenomenological science, not a statistical one at this point, except that it is informally statistical as all good thinking is. It deals in perceived patterns and therefore extrapolated probabilities. All this is very straightforward, only mysterious to those who want to demonize our precious phenomenological science. And they are legion.

Briefly, Pisces is the "natural 12th house" and that deals with imprisonment and institutionalization among other things; and self-undoing, which in our day is most often through drugs in one way or another (or alcohol). 

Briefly again: We see marijuana becoming legal during this period. We see opiate usage increasing dramatically, that is, prescribed pain relievers to which millions are addicted. Neptune is the one planet which "rules" or is correlated with drugs more than any other. 

As for imprisonment, the good side of it is that people are becoming acquainted with the grievous and completely atrocious and unjustifiable condition of prisons all over the world, including in the U. S. People are becoming aware that solitary confinement is in fact torture. 

A lot of my thoughts about all this have been precipitated by the squares of the sun, Mars, and Saturn with Neptune, and also Mercury. This last continues for the rest of June. Organizations working for better conditions for prisoners have their hands full. The cases of Mr. Woodfox and Mr. Kalief Browder have been very important as pointing out the horror of solitary confinement and other prison conditions which amount to torture, psychological as well as physical. 

At another level, the "drug war" is getting needed scrutiny and many see that it is a pointless battle and that the issue of drug use has to be met and conquered in other ways than arresting and imprisoning people. 

Then there are the "boat people," the refugees who starve to death or die on boats or are shunted from one country to another with no refuge or are imprisoned, kidnapped for ransom. This is a tragedy going on under our eyes and no one has yet stopped it. This issue combines the sea, again, ruled by Neptune, with imprisonment, another Neptune or 12th house issue. 

Of course that is not all there is to Neptune. It is a highly spiritual planet at its best and rules drugless approaches to spirituality, as meditation. This also is getting more attention and recommendation than it ever has in my memory. The Seattle Seahawks have a meditation teacher! There we get the "sea,' ruled by Neptune, along with meditation. Interesting. Astrology is not a boring science but a magical one, as anyone who has worked with it realizes and that is why it is so appealing and amazing and lovable. 

I could be writing all these thoughts out for pay, as in the Mountain Astrologer or some other publication, but instead you are getting them gratis. I hope they mean something to you.

Sunday remains in the |karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week. I chose those words very carefully which is why I repeat them week after week. I hope that they mean something to you and enlighten you somewhat as to what you are going through during those approximately 2.5 days every week. Not everything is bleak, but your most sensitive issues are likely to be exacerbated then. That means today; however, Luna's sextile with Venus, increasing into the late evening, should help considerably. Friendship with someone who is serious and true-blue is possible. Yet the Part of Fortune in the 12th shows vulnerabilities. We can deal with them and triumph--not only over them but by means of them.

{Sunday} {Rising Through Vulnerabilities}

Cosmic Piper

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