Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Forecast-Meditation for Tuesday 9 June 2015

Tuesday 9 June 2015

~Aiming At Success~

Moon in Pisces   ***
/goes void-of-course at 11:09a PT | 2:09p ET | 6:09p UT   ** /

We need to keep reminding ourselves that Mercury Retrograde is a very serious time. (It turns direct on Thursday this week, but remember that we will not be out of the woods yet, because the Dark Hermetic Epoch continues until June 27.) I have said frequently that not only more crimes but more suicides are likely to happen during these times, because people feel in despair--"nothing is working, nothing will ever work." Of course that is not true but that's the way it feels. Astrologers themselves are missing the truth about Mercury Retrograde if they think it just means troubles in communication or with machines and technology. That is the most superficial aspect of it. It goes far deeper than that, internal feelings of a deep nature that "life can never make sense, so why go on?" I am sure that many of you reading this have felt that in the past couple of weeks, at least sometimes. That, fortunately, does not usually lead to suicide but to a reassessment (re-word) which can lead to a rebirth (re-word) of one's resolve (re-word) to carry on and recover (re-word). So let's get with the good "re" stuff and not the bad "re" stuff such as recrimination and remonstrance and reprehensibility and relapses and recidivism. 

I am mentioning all this because of a prominent and sad suicide which occurred on Saturday. Here are the details, and this is important to read:

Could Kalief Browder's suicide have been prevented if he, his family and his caseworkers had known about Mercury Retrograde and the increased likelihood of suicidal thoughts and feelings at those times? Perhaps! "Just hold out, Kalief, for another week and things will look better." That is one reason why Cosmic Piper keeps at this thankless task every day. More people need to be reading it! If you think of someone who might be interested, please link them with this blog.

For Tuesday: 

1 Many feel that their work is underpaid or that the working conditions are harsh or unfair. They may look for representation in their battle to get justice for themselves. This can apply to prisoners also or others who are exploited or abused. 

2 Reformers are alert to such injustices and try to cure them. Some do this through politics or the law, others through a spiritual healing movement which aims at tangible results to make things better for anyone victimized. Best results may come when both strands of effort are combined.

3 Your home may be the center of your affections. You guard it and someone dear to you, whether she or he is at home or away. The love-fire blazes with or without the loved one's presence.

4 There can be weakness when anyone seeks and finds an easy path not consistent with his or her higher ideals. This is often a temptation during a Mercury Retrograde period. Influences from the outside, from anywhere, can dominate one's serious purposes so that one slips into emptiness or vacuity.

5 Then there can be sensuality, a resort to opiates either literally or symbolically, an escape through lazy self-indulgence in indolent pleasures. Currently good Venus aspects could facilitate that, up to the point of shameless seductiveness. Of course it is not always a sin if held within appropriate limits.

6 At the other extreme are individuals who are neat, careful, orderly in business, proud and self-centered. They could be a good balance to the lazy self-indulgent trend if they are in your world influencing you. 

7 Some are acute, cunning, jealous or envious. They have their eye on someone they want, and pull her or him away from any rival. Others apply their research to business advantages and succeed to a degree.

8 There is plenty of opportunism. It could result in snobbishness, cultivating personal advantages apart from the rough-and-tumble of the world. One might find one has a particular niche of privilege.

9 Sobriety and slow persistence are winning qualities. People want to rise above the plane of their earlier lives and know they can do so eventually.

{Tuesday} ~Aiming At Success~

Cosmic Piper

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