Monday, June 29, 2015

Forecast for Tuesday 30 June 2015

Tuesday 30 June 2015

^Learning Plus Graciousness^

Moon in Sagittarius   ***

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:19a PT | 2:19p ET | 6:19p UT   ** /

Let's not worry too much about the void-of-course period--let's just say that if possible it would be wise to schedule important matters involving other people or decisions or agreements at an earlier time. Not all is lost afterward, but the fine line of definiteness in decisions could be missing. Major stuff earlier, routine stuff later should be the rule. 

There is love in the air in a wonderful way, with the moon in Sagittarius forming a grand trine with the Venus-Jupiter conjunction--now exact--in Leo and with Uranus in Aries, a fire-sign grand trine. This is self-confident love, a love of oneself as well as of others, free and easygoing, not woozy and emotional. It is "Let everyone be who they are, and let me be who I am, and let's enjoy the difference and the similarity without clinging or demanding, just recognizing the divinity in each." 

A different side of things is Venus and Jupiter squaring Saturn in Scorpio. This is not ominous, but can be a threat to poise. The Venus square lasts from June 27 through August 21. This is a very long time for that aspect, for Venus is a quick traveler through the zodiac. This time she chooses to take her station--her slowdown and motionlessness and then backward or retrograde motion--at the time of her square-off with Saturn, which was not, Venus, a wise choice! But the ways of the gods go beyond human reason. There is a divine reason for this. We will be finding out what it is.

You have heard the refrain from me before:  Venus square Saturn is "Nobody loves me" or "I don't love anybody." But let's definitely get beyond that formulation this time! It lasts almost two months! Help me, as I help you! We can do it. Why else would I be Cosmic Piper, except to get us over these bumps? 

One of the deeper sides of Venus square Saturn is detached, selfless love. Unfortunately, most people, confronting the apparent absence of affection or kindness from those they have loved, and even from acquaintances, coworkers, and strangers, feel instead a sort of burning rage or anger or barren disappointment. "I'll show them! If they don't like me, I will be indifferent to them. I will scorn them, frown at them, despise them as they despise me." Well, you can see where that is likely to lead. It makes things worse. It is important to avoid injuring anyone today, even in thought or speech. 

So, please go back to the Sermon on the Mount! (I don't feel like looking up the chapter numbers but it is there in both Matthew and Luke and I think Mark as well. You could find it online no doubt.) (I have read it literally hundreds of times in the past forty years.) "Love your enemies, be kind to those who despise you, bless those who persecute you." Nobody said it was easy, except Jesus himself! "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." It is easier to bless your enemies than to fight them.

Sermon for the Venus-square Saturn aspect of the summer of 2015 accomplished! But I fear I will have to repeat it in coming days, to remind myself as well as you.

Meanwhile let's remember we are in a Bright Hermetic Epoch until August 29, and can get things done. Today it looks like study, details, learning, especially as connected with career, are very much worth doing. Your friends may be wonderful, yet somehow off in a world of their own, not inimical to you but dwelling in their own thoughts and hopes rather than in yours. Using the above Sermon, you can see that it would be wise to let them be. Trust that they are finding the right path. Pray for them, not to coerce them but to support their search for what is best for them. That is always something spiritual, in fact, it is always G*d, though they probably don't realize that. "The Good I am seeking is my God," says Emma Curtis Hopkins.

The Good they are seeking is their God. They may not realize that yet.

Meanwhile, today a push for success can be solid and fruitful, especially before the v-of-c time given above. You approach some aspects of your agenda as if a prosecuting or defensive attorney, able to see into every motive and intention of anyone involved. 

And, beyond that there is graciousness, summonable no matter what happens. 

{Tuesday} ^Learning Plus Graciousness^

Cosmic Piper

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