Saturday, June 27, 2015

Forecast for Saturday 27 June 2015

Saturday 27 June 2015

~Growing Confidence Muted by Wariness~

Moon in Scorpio   ** <
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 10:49a PT | 1:49p ET | 5:49p UT  ** < |
Moon in the Via Combusta until 4:06p PT | 7:06p ET | 11:06p UT   ** |

The intensity of the day centers around home but also young people and hopes for entertainment, which may or may not be fulfilled, or fulfilled uneasily. There can be efficiency in doing what you need to to or have decided upon as a program for the first day of a new Bright Hermtic Epoch! It extends until August 28, by chance exactly two calendar months this time. Primarily it means you can trust your mental processes to see what is reasonable, doable, and likely to succeed, and keep yourself focused in accomplishing things with a minimum of bother or backtracking and circling. Hurray! 

Nobody should underestimate or make fun of the Via Combusta, which is one-twelfth of the zodiac in which the moon resides for about 2.5 days per month. You can see when it was there in the daily data I put at the beginning of each of these reports. It was there when George W. Bush stupidly and criminally began the Iraq war which killed thousands of innocent people and made more than a million Christians homeless. (Yes, that is true, though you will seldom read about it in the media or hear about it in the conventional outlets.) It was there all day Thursday and Friday, and here is a headline from the New York times on Friday afternoon:

Dozens Are Killed in Terror Attacks on 3 Continents

The bloody toll prompted new concerns about the spreading influence of jihadists around the globe.

In addition, there was the killing by police of Richard W. Matt, the escaped convict, a day after his 49th birthday. Looking at his horoscope and that of his companion-in-escape David Sweat, I find the following: Both were born with Mars as the Planet of Oriental Appearance (you won't know what that is unless you study a major textbook of astrology, Essentials of Astrological Analysis by Marc Edmund Jones). Both were born when the sun was square Saturn. Sweat also has the sun square Mars; Matt has Mars square Pluto and Uranus. And there is much more I could go into, though it is not a pleasant topic. We must remember that others were born on the same days as these two, in fact probably thousands or tens of thousands in the world's population, and probably only a small percentage of them killed anyone. They learned to handle those difficult, impatient, semi-violent charts in some better way, perhaps in sports or a hard job or some other challenge which brought out their ability to fight. Here is where astrology could be of so much help in guidance counseling, for teachers or therapists dealing with children and young people. Some day . . . 

You can see when Luna leaves the Via Combusta today in the data above. For most of us it is a time when some things can be frustrating or upsetting, or confusion sets in (terrorism is of course a result of deep confusion). But it can be creative and good for investigation--I did a lot of that on Friday as an astrological sleuth.

On Saturday you may give a lot of thought to something you can be doing almost as show business, or something which accents your personality and ability in a colorful manner and attracts attention. Of course, this should be not for the purpose of enjoying the attention but to be of assistance to clients, and employer or an audience. The attention is a valuable contributory side product of being who you are confidently.

However, although you might have good feelings about all that, the lunar indications already discussed suggest that you may have to mute it for now while developing it. People may not seem receptive because they are involved in their own difficult issues.

{Saturday} ~Growing Confidence Muted by Wariness~

Cosmic Piper

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