Saturday, June 6, 2015

}Slapdash, Mysterious, or Fourth-Dimensional{

Sunday 7 June 2015

}Slapdash, Mysterious, or Fourth-Dimensional{

Moon in Aquarius
/goes void-of-course at 7:32a PT | 10:32a ET | 2:32p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Tuesday morning)

1 Your background goes deep into the past and you may become conscious of items within it you don't usually recall. You may discover new facets of someone's history by reading, studying, or watching a documentary. You may uncover memories of your father or a grandfather.

2 The fourth dimension is either a dimension of space or time or space-time, quite mysterious yet experinceable. Those who are "dead" are there, not as spooks but wonderful beings fully conscious in an exalted state. You are open to such mysteries.

3  We generally know how to abstain from pointless conflicts or rash speech which could upset or anger someone. Yet you may run through some such tendency in your mind, or see others arguing over something which seems meaningless even if crucial to them in their supposition. A friend cannot be expected to understand everything as you understand it.

4  People suffering from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or just fatigue and mental confusion may be wiser than you realize. They may be tapping into, or have one foot in, another world and have a hard time reconciling it with this one. You might be able to share with them in a surprising development of consciousness, if open-minded.

5  However, there can be danger of falling into a pit of misunderstanding, or being careless in what you do or say so that someone is hurt or offended and hurts you in turn. This does not have to happen. Some may fall literally, but more likely metaphorically. 

6 The wide variety of people you encounter is like a zoo or menagerie. The varieties are endless. This could apply to pets also. Some of this could be disturbing, but most of it pleasing if you have an adventurous attitude.

7 Many minds are undeveloped and obscure. Some individuals are unfledged, or subject to moral turpitude, carelessness, and irresponsibility. Other basically good people can fall into such states temporarily. 

8 Some insurance against that could be measuring things carefully, such as liquids and foods, applying Aristotle's Golden Mean, neither too much nor too little. Complexities can be manipulated through cogent analysis. This may be a little slapdash, with the moon void-of-course and Mercury retrograde, plus the |difficult third|, all of that warning against intemperance and impatience. "This too shall pass."

9 An intellectual trend is devoted to learning or teaching. Instruction happens in many ways, not all of them planned. Both nature itself and human nature are subject to intelligent discernment of the principles or patterns on which they are based. If this seems impossible, because of factors listed in (8), a looser intuitive apprehension may do well enough. 

{Sunday} {Slapdash, Mysterious, or Fourth-Dimensional}

Cosmic Piper


  1. This rang true to me at late afternoon. Fascinating Mercury retrograde fact: last night my plumbing went out. By morning I had it in the bathroom but not kitchen. I visited a friend. His roommate was calling a plumber. They had water in the kitchen but not the bathroom. Mercury playing as many tricks as he can get in.

  2. Meanwhile, the moon is void-of-course in Aquarius, the Water-Carrier, that is, the plumbing! Those who do not see these astrological correlations are indeed woefully ignorant!

  3. Meanwhile, the moon is void-of-course in Aquarius, the Water-Carrier, that is, the plumbing! Those who do not see these astrological correlations are indeed woefully ignorant!

  4. This rang true to me at late afternoon. Fascinating Mercury retrograde fact: last night my plumbing went out. By morning I had it in the bathroom but not kitchen. I visited a friend. His roommate was calling a plumber. They had water in the kitchen but not the bathroom. Mercury playing as many tricks as he can get in.
