Saturday, June 20, 2015

Forecast-Meditation for Sunday 21 June 2015

Sunday 21 June 2015

\Labor of Loyalty or Royalty/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/goes void-of-course at 9:11a PT | 12:11p ET | 4:11p UT
until it enters Virgo at 10:00a PT | 1:00p ET | 5:00p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues all day

At the void-of-course time given above is the exactness of Luna's weekly hard aspect with Saturn, this time the square, so the several hours before and after that may be the hardest of the day, getting slowly easier in afternoon and evening. (In addition to other worries, these can be "bad hair days.") 

With Mercury again closing in on a square with Neptune, you probably should not get Dad a bottle of whiskey. But even teetotalers could be susceptible to muddled thinking. Or, to intense spiritual inspirations, if they rise to the best intensity of this aspect. Mercury, the ordinary human mind, is awed by Neptune, the mystical or Divine, and does not know how to understand it in its own lower limited terms.

It fascinates me how Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day, which I have always resented as "commercial holidays" invented by merchants and corporations in the U. S. so they can sell pointless but profitable gifts, nevertheless seem to have some correlation with deeper realities. Mothers' Day always comes in the sign Taurus, ruled by Venus appropriately. Fathers' Day's timing is less clear to me; usually the sun is near the end of Gemini, a masculine sign basically although not really signifying fatherhood in any way. This time the sun has just entered Cancer on Dad's day. Fascinating because that is a Mother not Father sign, traditionally, ruled by the moon. However, recognizing the intriguing "identity of opposites" in some metaphysical sense, the ancients made the fourth house--which is the "natural house" of Cancer--the house of the father (the 10th being the mother). So it all hangs together in some loose sense. The sun is at it peak, or very close to it, in our Northern Hemisphere, when we celebrate the day, and the sun is traditionally the planet of the father and of all powerful males. 

Conscious of power, he is imposing, rising above his peers
As if a dazzling angel spearing the earth with light. 
In its glare, pink and brown-black children play together.
Their fathers wonder if they will later succumb to tedious labor.

Eye on the clock, ear on the metronome, he practices hard
While his brother works in the fields and milks the cows,
Perhaps more productive work. Yet both have labyrinth-
Threading minds like their dad's and court peculiar success.

The mockingbird is self-assertive yet imitative, a real show-business
Bird, mocking maybe both Nashville and the Met! Rock on, strange
Singer, while we put a red cloth on the ground for Papa's
Picnic. He has labored long for his family; let's reward him!

{Sunday} /Labor of Loyalty or Royalty\

Cosmic Piper

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