Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Forecast for Wednesday 3 June 2015

Wednesday 3 June 2015

^Wake Up, World and "Scientists"!^

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon void-of-course from early hours given yesterday   ** /
until it enters Capricorn at 5:52p PT | 8:52p ET | 0:52a(Th) UT   ***

I keep wondering where the brain of the world is. I, Cosmic Piper, have for sixteen years, since 1999, been posting the |difficult third of each week| here. True, I did not begin to call it such and mark it with the |  | until a few years ago, but I often made it clear in my writing of the forecasts. 

Nobody seems to notice! Least of all astrologers. Not one has congratulated me on discovering this or asked me for the formula.

Yet it is proved true, week after week. Weather here in Seattle was gloomy for the 2.5 or slightly more days covered by it this time. And weather in the East of the U. S. was much worse, as I understand, heavy storms and rain. I have said over and over that these |karmically difficult| times also affect the weather, but not one person has noticed or written me to confirm that. Yet it happens all the time. The |difficult third| continues today, Tuesday as I write, until evening, and here is what I find in the news at 1:55 p.m. Pacific Time:

Hong Kong (CNN) A desperate rescue effort. More than 400 people unaccounted for in a sunken cruise ship. The captain and chief engineer in custody.

(Reuters) -- 
* Cruise boat hit by "tornado" on southern stretch of Yangtze
* Many of the 458 passengers were elderly tourists
* Divers pull man, woman alive from upturned hull
* Six bodies recovered, rescuers battle bad weather
* Angry family members demand information about loved ones 

Several hundred cattle stranded during Texas flooding have been rescued as volunteers on horseback and in boats herded the animals to safety.  --Chicago Tribune

SEOUL, June 2 (Reuters) - South Korea on Tuesday reported its first two deaths from an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) that has infected 25 people.

This last item corresponds with the moon today opposing Mars, the sun and Mercury in Gemini, sign of the lungs and respiratory system, so denominated by astrologers since ancient times. Neptune and Pisces have always been known to be linked to communicable diseases, at their worst, when conditions make that possible. 

The floods in Texas affecting cattle are connected with the squares of the moon, Mercury, sun, and Mars with Neptune in Pisces, a water sign, while of course the sun, Mercury and Mars are in Gemini an air sign. Winds and waters causing difficult, peculiar conditions requiring rescue--Mercury also retrograde while squaring Neptune and opposed to Saturn. 

The same conditions of course apply to the sinking of the boat in China, which is a sad tragedy. These daily lunar indications apply to weather world-wide. I don't know when meteorologists will wake up to astrology, but maybe a few centuries from now, or maybe never. Their bias against it is so strong that they literally cannot hear or read anything in support of it. Send them this post, and they will delete it before reading it, or unleash a tirade of anger against "stupid, credulous" Cosmic Piper.

And that is my major message for today. The lunar data for the day are given above. You can see for yourself that the |difficult or challenging third| has ended for this week, yet the moon is void-of-course until evening. Since Mercury remains retrograde, these two conditions together make for uncertainties and confusions, yet we can carry on with normal duties circumspectly. Friendship and pleasure are also possible though with a serious undertone. For many there may be an internal battle between escapism (the Neptune squares) and concentration on basic purposes. 

{Wednesday}  ^Wake Up, World and "Scientists"!^

Cosmic Piper

P. S. The following was written about me before I was born, by the amazing astrologer Grant Lewi, in his book from the 1930s Heaven Knows What.  Its depiction of the 144 sun-moon combinations remains unsurpassed, in my view. Here is part of what he says about my combination, sun in Aries with moon in Pisces: "You . . . have a conviction that you know the truth of many matters which for some reason or other you cannot get across to your associates. This is a Cassandra-like position--a prophet who is very likely to be right but can't make anyone believe him." Yes, Grant Lewi! You understood. 

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