Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Forecast-Meditation for Wednesday 17 June 2015

Wednesday 17 June 2015

~Battered Recovering Hope~

Moon in Cancer   ***

I don't usually do any "mea culpa"s here because I use my painful and "sinful" experiences to make sense of the daily astrological aspects, and then they are "included" as it were in what I say about those aspects. But here is one which might help you through the rest of the Dark Hermetic Epoch until June 27 (ten more days):

Recidivism can be an issue. Tuesday I had a good intention to go to a spiritual meeting, but slipped away from that into some easier self-indulgent escapism. Afterward I looked back on those three hours and wondered what I had gained. It seemed to me I would have been a better human being if I had forced myself to go to the meeting. And would have felt better about myself and my day afterward.

In other words, we can be remiss or recalcitrant and then forego benefits we could have gained by being firmer with ourselves along a chosen virtuous path. This can happen any time, of course, but I am sure it happens more frequently during the Dark Hermetic Epochs of two months duration, when our subconscious minds can more easily get control of our actions rather than our higher hopes, aspirations and wise intentions. 

On other occasions, you can do the "right" thing and yet the DHE will seem to spit on your attempts, yet you feel good afterward that you did your best despite the demonic obstacles. Monday I went to a local poetry reading, at Hugo House for writers here, and put my name in the jar to read some of the quatrains I have published in these pages. I turned out to be number 26 of 33 readers (five minutes each) and felt rather weary by the time I was able to read. Yet it was a good experience and I'm glad I did it. Midway through the evening I might have said, "I wish I hadn't come," but that was an illusion: sticking it out was the right thing to do. Resolution and resourcefulness have their place during the DHE just as during the center of it, the Mercury Retrograde period.

In the park stands a tree, beneath it an albino bull,
And off to the side an ancient bas-relief carved in
Granite. Above, the moon joins itself to a star of rank
And merit shining its rays on the dark inscription below.

A frosty attitude means "Disappear, trivia!" in the mien of the
Man before the audience. He dances, juggles, swims in the astral
Currents of his viewers. He protects them from the hawks of cruelty;
Feeds them with the bread of humorous hope.

She is gone, and all that made his life delight. He sits on a rock
By the sea weeping. The sun has set; a flower-like star flashes
And sparkles in deep blue. Not far away cattle low; sheep
Bleat. His sobbing has to end, his body turn away from tides.

{Wednesday} ~Battered Recovering Hope~

Cosmic Piper

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