Saturday, June 27, 2015

Forecast-Meditation for Sunday 28 June 2015

Sunday 28 June 2015

~Here We Are~

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius   *** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:51p PT | 9:51p ET | 1:51a(M) UT   ** / |
|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week continues all day

The drive toward self-expression is intense, though probably with plenty of doubts as to whether the way you are doing it will succeed. We have to keep trying! People need self-images constructed by themselves in order to project them to others, and it doesn't matter if some of those others might mock you. Keep your confidence up and your "mask," if such it is, will grow more normal to you and be more convincing. I saw a woman Saturday who looked totally distraught because of her appearance, and she knew the lipstick she was wearing, and her clothing, didn't help, and I felt intensely sympathetic. She was on the verge of tears or a breakdown. I am praying for her at this moment. 

That is often what happens during the |difficult third|, a loss of self-confidence. Yet today, while Venus conjoins Jupiter in Leo, there is an intense desire to dramatize oneself, to be someone, to show what one is and has. Let's look at it this way: If you are genuinely appreciative of what others are and have, their appearance, their skill, their personality, what they are trying to be, you will gain the same appreciation in return--maybe not from the same person, but from someone and Someone. It's karmic law.

The decision on Friday by the Supreme Court came while the moon was in Libra, sign of Oscar Wilde and Truman Capote and many gay or gay-leaning individuals of both sexes. (I am not sure exactly when the decision was announced, but I think it was early in the morning just before the moon left Libra for Scorpio.) In any case, the Libra-Scorpio segment of the zodiac has a high correlation with sexual activities and preferences and attitudes. Libra is also the natural seventh house, the house of marriage. Perhaps more importantly, since the moon enters that section once a month, is the presence of both Jupiter and Venus--conjoined by less than three degrees--in Leo. This happens approximately only once in 12 years. Leo is the sign of love per se, the "natural fifth house" of love affairs. It is extremely romantic. Further, both those planets are trine Uranus in Aries by less than two degrees. Uranus is the planet of freedom. Cole Porter's 1920s song "Anything Goes" has become the law of the land. 

Sobriety and exaltation are strange partners, but they are joined in marriage today.

The sun trining Neptune adds to the wish-fulfillment aspect of the day. It has an international aspect, and a religious-spiritual aspect. Those who attend church, synagogue, or another spiritual group may experience highs which solidify their deepest hopes and realizations. 

At a more mundane level, there are links with those who are friends and who have partners whether or not you yourself have a partner. There is something very helpful about that. Love is free, not bound--Jupiter and Venus trine Uranus in fire signs! Fire means individuality, independence, self-sufficiency. Venus means romantic love and Jupiter spiritual love. Uranus means freedom, so love is not tied, although in marriage of course there are ties and bonds and pledges. I myself see no need for marriage, and I believe that it is on the way out as an institution--but I could be radically wrong. Uranus can do anything, which is why it is such a surprising planet no matter how one thinks one has it figured out. It can decide on marriage, or on divorce, with equal alacrity. Right now, since it is in favorable aspect with the two benefic planets, nobody worries about that. Later, when those two are square to it, people will moan over too-hasty marriages and painful divorces. Oh well. I am Cosmic Piper, I just observe! 

If you have a smidgen of conscious appreciation of your soul's destiny, today you could feel deeply what impels you to labor and endure and not-die, because that destiny is pulling you to manifest it for your sake and everyone's sake and--for G*d's sake!

{Sunday} ~Here We Are~

Cosmic Piper

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