Sunday, October 31, 2021

Message for Monday 1 November 2021

 Monday 1 November 2021

\Impotence, Sculpting, Fraternizing/

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:01a PT | 1:01p ET | 5:01p UT
until it enters Libra at 4:12p PT | 7:12p ET | 11:12p UT

If you have any special (rather than just routine) transactions to do, it could be better to do them before (or after) the void-of-course period given above. 

I shall try not to moan about the sun's square with Saturn.   I feel that it was the factor which stymied the optimism of my two weekend forecasts, at least for me.  I hope you had a good weekend but for me that formidable square spoiled a lot of the fun.  It continues but we carry on, and in fact are learning from it.  'A man beneath the paw of a lion rampant" is how some feel under the "vaccination mandates" and how others feel under uncongenial working conditions.  Sepharial says we need more "stability and purpose" in order to rise above possible reproach.  

"A broken bottle and spilled perfume" could be a void-of-course phenomenon--any spill, upset or embarrassing delay.  Our hopes and desires permeate the atmosphere and are detected by others.  Renewed creative effort is recommended.  This could even go so far as becoming "a sculptor" or "endowing life with some enduring potential."  Nature submits gladly to expanded human vision and fulfilling self-expression.

Whether or not you are up for "a fellowship supper," we all need some sort of fraternity or sorority to provide company, social intercourse, and "a channeling of personal aspirations into the commonplace grooves of a shared experience."  If this is not tangible it can be intangible, as in an invisible Brother-Sisterhood of the spirit.  "A great headland, over which the Sun is rising, overhangs the sea."  This can be "feelings of magnanimity and reposeful strength."  We "look forward to the future with confidence, and our hopes will not be frustrated."  

{Monday}  /Impotence, Sculpting, Fraternizing\

Cosmic Piper

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