Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Message for Wednesday 20 October 2021

 Wednesday 20 October 2021

^Full Reassuring Moon^

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
|Karmicallly serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Friday morning
Full Moon of Libra-Aries occurs at 7:58a PT | 10:58a ET | 2:58p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at that moment
until it enters Taurus at 1:00p PT | 4:00p ET | 8:00p UT

Hard Stuff:  The Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch remains, until November 3, and it is, to my experience, just as strong as it was during Mercury Retrograde.  Things are delayed or seem bollixed up.  It is hard to remain optimistic when stuff seems out of kilter.  Now we have the sun squaring Saturn, over the next couple weeks, always a time when "reality" has to be faced, not tragic but not joyous.  Of course we can maintain spiritual joy if we are living at the level of consciousness where that is possible.  

Relationships:  Yesterday I wrote a good paragraph about the Venus septile Mars "destiny-laden" aspect from October 17 through 27.  Today I see evidence of it in the growing new relationship a friend is experiencing.  Sometimes you may be going back to old relationships and friendships; sometimes they could be new, but not as often.  They may not be easy but seem crucial.


Worry:  "A solitary tree on a rocky height, behind it a dark threatening cloud" brings out the sun-square-Saturn syndrome, often loneliness and worry.  There could be isolation even though one has reached a "high position."  One can "man up" or "woman up" and rise above what seems misfortune, relying on an effective desire to fulfill ambitions.

Service:  "An ass tethered to the shaft of a grinding mill" is what one might feel like when having to carry out duties or needed tasks.  But life is based on mutual service; our food is grown and packaged and transported and sold by others, and the same for all physical necessities.  One is no more an "ass" for doing one's work than is a  multi-billionaire CEO.  "A man in the midst of brightening influences" realizes what is good in his life and knows it is getting better.  One can be responsive to invisible upward influence.  

Reassurance:  One is recapturing what had seemed to be lost, during any Dark or Slow Epoch.  "The groundhog is looking for its shadow."  One does not have to be timid, but alert to the drift of potentials.  After finding the "shadow" one could turn one's "telescope" to "point heavenward."  One is either a mini-scientist or a semi-clairvoyant, able to perceive what will set one upon a reassuring attitude, stance, or forward momentum.    

{Wednesday}  ^Full Reassuring Moon^

Cosmic Piper

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