Monday, October 25, 2021

Message for Tuesday 26 October 2021

 Tuesday 26 October 2021

~Visioning Toward Magic Will~

Moon in Cancer

I stopped labeling the three paragraphs of each report with "Challenge, Process, and Blessing" for no particular reason except I wanted a change, but still I tend to put the hardest issues of the day in the first paragraph and work up to happier matters.  

I tend to feel that people are going crazy.  Just now some neighbors were yelling at each other in the manner of Kramer on the old Jerry Seinfeld series (which is now, all nine seasons, on Netflix and I have been watching some out of curiosity though I find much of it pretty repellent).  Actually the moon is void-of-course as I write (Monday), and that does not help, but I have to do some of the writing during such periods, just as anyone has to work during v-of-c times fairly frequently.  What is also driving people crazy is the long-term sun-square-Saturn aspect, discussed yesterday, especially because the sun is also opposing Uranus.  When people feel frustrated (Saturn) they do weird (Uranus) things.  Witness Kramer, who is always frustrated and always weird.  (George likewise, I might add, in a more sophisticated way.)  

For Tuesday we have "an ass tethered to the shaft of a grinding mill" which might seem cruel, but the message is that we are all "beasts of burden" in some manner.  That is, we have to do something repetitive to aid or support other human beings in order to be part of human society and deserve its benefits.  Elementary, but we seem to need to re-learn it during sun-Saturn periods.  Fortunately "a man is in the midst of brightening influences" and so there shall be enduring rewards when we "respond to the underlying friendliness of the world at large."  Courageously we can press onward from darkness to light.  

Whom do you trust?  It's a stark question which we ought to answer in some tentative way.  "A man hesitating to trust himself on a wooden bridge over a chasm" is said by Charubel to be too fearful, doubting everything and suspicious of even his best friends.  The T square in fixed signs involving the sun, Saturn and Uranus inclines us toward solid (fixed) principles and we may feel that some others are just not living up to them.  This is disappointing, yet there remains room for further investigation and consideration.  "A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses" can both examine things with naïve, open minds, almost the opposite of the fearful man.  Emma Curtis Hopkins wrote that she knew a man who, in despair, decided his dog was better than he, and so followed the dog around until it led him to a woman who brought him salvation.

There are all kinds of books, lectures and podcasts guiding us to be peaceful and optimistic, almost passive, like "a youth with a lighted candle."  It's a beautiful image.  We can have "contact with inner and transcendental realms of reality."  "Enthusiasm arises from ever-clear vision" and then we rely on the goodness and integrity of all things.  "Only for good the secret Will can work."  -- Sri Aurobindo, Savitri.  Then our emblem might be "the double triangle," which denotes "great will power, as of a magician."  

{Tuesday}  ~Visioning Toward Magic Will~

Cosmic Piper

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