Sunday, October 24, 2021

Message for Monday 25 October 2021

 Monday 25 October 2021

~Reflection and Mutual Aid~

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:12a PT | 10:12a ET | 2:12p UT
until it enters Cancer at 2:01p PT | 5:01p ET | 9:01p UT

The sun's square with Saturn (the hard aspect between these two, square, opposition, or conjunction, occurs four times a year) can feel like "men cutting through ice" because Saturn rules coldness and winter (the Saturn-ruled signs Capricorn and Aquarius are, in the northern hemisphere where astrology grew up, the cold winter months).  Some of the hardest times of my life have been during those periods (this one, by fifteen degrees, is from October 15 through November 14).  Actually these periods cover one-third of the time, so they are "normal" but a "difficult normal" when we have to face reality.  Reality is good, but the good realities we face seem bad because we are creating 'badness" by our attitudes or wrong feelings and "sins."  I once took a vacation at one of these times and though some of it was good, the person I was visiting had serious issues with me which were painful.  At another time I quit a program I was in just when the period began and then had to find another job which was like a demotion.  We need to see that what is hard is good, like the "men cutting through ice."  Service in a difficult situation develops skill and strength.  To develop a philosophic perspective one could emulate "an old man seated beneath a shady tree, his head bowed in thought; a pilgrim."  In solitude one loves abstruse thought, impressed with the unreality of the "real" (paradox!).  Though not misanthropic, one wants to regard things and persons according to their true value.  Disillusionment in some things and people (or in oneself) develops lonely divine strength.

Five planets in air signs, including the moon in Gemini during the v-of-c period, could yield "a man distributing papers among a multitude of people," or distributing information on the internet.  This could be someone trying to reform everyone else enthusiastically even though his or her partisanship is pretty superficial.  It might be good to take a broader over-all view before trying to convince others of anything, as if one were in "an airplane hovering overhead."  One's reflection helps one adjust and meet any crises or issues with imaginative resourcefulness (especially after the moon enters Cancer, trining the sun in another water sign).  

"A house-raising" could be "seeking fulfillment through one's fellow human beings."  Together we help one another when anyone is making a living-situation adjustment.  One can "win the good will and enlist the services of others" or else be so enlisted.  If you know someone going through a transition you might be of assistance.  "A rustic cottage overarched by a spreading cedar tree" is the comfort and peacefulness you and someone else enjoy through mutual benevolence.  Both "the wayside traveler" and closer family are sheltered and succored.

{Monday}  ~Reflection and Mutual Aid~

Cosmic Piper

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