Friday, October 29, 2021

Message for Saturday 30 October 2021

 Saturday  30 October 2021

\Developing Rapport/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
|Karmically difficult, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends in very early hours (time given yesterday) 
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:06a PT | 3:06a ET | 7:06a UT
until it enters Virgo at 11:11a PT | 2:11p ET | 6:11p UT

We are free of the |karmically difficult third|, which has been hitting the weekends for months, and the symbols for the day are nice, so I have to be optimistic.  "A man in a balloon with the dark clouds beneath him" is an experimentalist, an investigator of imponderables, who meets trials but rises above them and attains lofty success.  Sometimes his path is as eccentric as that of "a comet," yet he will perform some deed remembered as great.  Our more unique hopes are being furthered.

"A sight-seeing bus" suggests naive interest in life as a whole, with an exceptional range of understanding, sympathy, and avenues of self-expression.  People are friendly in an impersonal way capturing each moment's opportunity for interesting sharing.  Maybe at one of the stops there are "three cups of wine standing on a table in the form of a triangle."   Everyone but the driver may partake of these, though indulgence could be excessive.  Some will experience high enthusiasm of a spiritual nature, mental intoxication.  

"A heart" indicates someone affectionate, unselfish, confiding, and influenced by others.  Such an attitude and disposition tends to awaken similar feelings in everyone else.  "The moon shining across a lake" brings a magic of release from outer compulsions toward a yearning for deeper shared experience.  Rapport vibrates across a scene, room, or table and there is a subtle mastery over events.

{Saturday}    /Developing Rapport\

Cosmic Piper

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