Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Message for Thursday 28 October 2021

 Thursday 28 October 2021

^Dangerous or Successful Daring^

Moon in Leo beginning at 2:08a PT | 5:08a ET | 9:08a UT
(/moon void-of-course before that time, see yesterday's report for times)
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until late Friday night

For many or most this may be the hardest day of this week, with Luna opposite Saturn while square Uranus and the sun, an X square in fixed signs.  This could be a battle over values, for the fixed signs want to determine what is undoubtedly good and stick with it.  Positively, it could be setting up some standard or procedure which one trusts, for as we approach the next Bright Epoch (beginning November 3) we see more clearly into what are reliable procedures in any scheme, job, or project.  Value-conflict or value-dispute comes out in "a monster with two faces" indicating duplicity, deception, and slander.  One will not stand for this sort of thing because living by Principle seems paramount.  If one feels that "all men are hypocrites" one might descend into the gloom of "a dark pool of water in the shadow of dense foliage."  It is good to rouse oneself from purposeless fatalism, though some melancholy could just be a touch of mellow realism. 

There is quest and search, a sense that one could find or discover something valuable or interesting:  "A person at the bottom of a deep ravine, with lamp in hand, is searching for something."   Or one might decide that one needs to go farther on the surface of the earth, as in "immigrants entering."  There is constant news of the immigration crisis at our country's southern border.  With the X square, people are in disagreement over the propriety of such immigration, in many or some cases, for abandoning one nation for another could be "a surrender of the real in a pursuit of the false."  Or, some, and oneself, could rather represent "the creative faith of those who risk their well-being by bringing their skills into pioneer areas of self-expression."  

It's well to remember that we are in the |karmically serious third| of the week, first paragraph, but this final paragraph explores more thrilling possibilities.  The moon in Leo, sign of gold, could send us on "a gold rush" in an attempt to exploit natural or other resources, independent of commonplace limitations.  This seems utterly exciting.  One's ambitions feel sure of good fortune.  At the level of emotion, some might feel like "a woman standing on the head of a serpent," exercising great sagacity in the guise of femininity, subtlety or delicacy.  There can be mutual fascination.  

{Thursday}  ^Dangerous or Successful Daring^

Cosmic Piper

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