Sunday, October 10, 2021

Message for Monday 11 October 2021

 Monday 11 October 2021

\Developing Firmness/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon went void-of-course late last night (time given in Sunday report) until it enters Capricorn at 10:17a PT | 1:17p ET | 5:17p UT

Challenge:  Mercury will turn direct a week from today.  Until then (and even after for a while) we may feel like "a man on a tread-mill," going nowhere in a hurry, or forced to keep up with unexpected turns of events without much reward.  Since we are not literally on a "treadmill," we can opt out of the wearing routine sometimes.  Last week at a meeting I attend the president of the group was unexpectedly absent.  The next day, in my apartment building the people who clean the common areas on Thursdays, always by noon or so, did not show up until 5:30.  No problem for me, but this has never happened before and it shows how things can go during Mercury Retrograde.  People do things in an "out of pattern" way, whether voluntarily or inescapably.  I would have been surprised if someone had told me a few weeks ago the books I am reading now, for example.  Another symbol for today is "a man of middle age watching over a cradle."  Perhaps someone immature or enfeebled is having trouble and you sympathize or try to help even if that is possible only in small ways.  

Process:  "A gang of robbers in hiding" might be some corporation or individual trying to abscond with your money, legally or otherwise.  You yourself, though not a robber, might diverge from your usual self into something antisocial or perverted.  This could be an attempt to escape from a legitimate challenge to your powers through some scheme which is not worthwhile.  Better than that, one could be "an old owl up in a tree," signifying steadiness, stability and self-restraint.  Normality is comforting, restoring self-respect and calm perspective.

Blessing:   Luna is in Capricorn, an ambitious sign, and we have "a square block of marble, upon it the regalia of scepter and crown."  Pride is a good thing when it inspires one toward firm character that will triumph over rivals.  One does not attempt to dominate others yet one sways their destinies.  Venus in Sagittarius in good aspect with Saturn could give us "a female with the lyre in her hand," perhaps a performer of music, or someone refined in artistic taste, fond of variety and drawn to the sublime in nature.  

{Monday}  /Developing Firmness\

Cosmic Piper

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