Thursday, October 21, 2021

Message for Friday 22 October 2021

 Friday 22 October 2021

\Slow Rebirthing/

Moon in Taurus
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 8:46a PT | 11:46a ET | 3:46p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:36p PT | 4:36p ET | 8:36p UT (until after midnight)

"A raven standing on a stone" could be someone you know in one of his or her worse moods--morose, avaricious, revengeful, secretive, or misanthropic.  (I guess there is a place for ravens but they have a bad reputation.)  At the other extreme of human development we have "three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head."  Dr. Jones says these could be not academic verbiage but "skills, allegiances and ideals."   We can come to know the cosmic order of the world and therefore be prescient.  (That is one of the goals of these forecast-meditations.)

"A little boy in a state of nudity blowing bubbles" could be any of us during the nonchalant phases when we are unpretentious, innocent, and self-entertaining.  But a more serious side is longing for some decisive, conclusive direction, toward the end of a Dark Hermetic Epoch, that is, for "an Easter sunrise service" or something inspiring which will bring rebirth, and security within our immortal resources. 

The Dark or Slow Epoch since September 7 is normal; it goes on almost half the time; but each time it challenges us to our depths so that we can re-find ourselves, something like "a child born of an eggshell."  This peculiar symbol shows that we can be reborn out of surprising factors which come from the past, old associations, memories, books or movies which somehow awaken us to the essentiality of ourselves.  Yet there is, at the same time, a transition to something better, as if that "old stuff" were being transmuted through expanding awareness.  Voila!  Then we may realize that we have an invisible "crown and scepter," powers to which we are entitled though we did not realize they belonged to us.

{Friday}  /Slow Rebirthing\

Cosmic Piper

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