Monday, October 4, 2021

Message for Tuesday 5 September 2021

 Tuesday 5 September 2021

\Responsible Yet Restful/

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:47a PT | 4:47a ET | 7:47a UT
until it enters Libra at 5:42a PT | 8:42a ET | 12:42p UT
The New Moon of Libra occurs Wednesday morning at 4:07a PT | 7:07a ET | 11:07a UT

Do you believe in Mercury Retrograde?  If not, why not?  Today as I write, Monday, we have this: 

Facebook is down, along with Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Oculus VR  This has been going on for hours.

Of course they will get back up, but things like this happen more often during any Mercury Retrograde phase.  And take a look at the stock market since September 27.  And what's going on in Congress with the possibility of a U. S. debt default.  

So don't be upset if things in your life seem confused, complicated, or hopeless.  One thing I've learned in decades of astrological research and counseling is that people can make the worst mistakes of their lives during the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epochs, of which always the Mercury Retrograde period of three weeks is the center.  If your friends make fun of your "believing" in Mercury Retrograde, know that you are the one who will have the last laugh.  Meanwhile, don't make your life even more difficult by panicking and making bad decisions, throwing in the towel on a marriage or job or organization or .  . .  Patience is needed, and steadiness with necessary routines.  

Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch began: September 6 . . . 
{Mercury Retrograde began: September 27 . . . until October 18} . . . 
Dark Epoch continues until . . .
November 3, when a new Bright or Fast-Forward Hermetic Epoch begins (until December 29).  


Challenge:  "An innocent-looking woman, rather tall, appears restless.  A very dark-looking being is behind her back."   Charubel warns against obsession, or giving up wise self-control to others, whether embodied or unembodied.  This could be exacerbated by Mercury quincunx Neptune, tending to belief in what is just not so.  A higher manifestation of Neptune is responsibility for others.   "An Indian squaw is pleading to the chief for the lives of her children."  Whether her plea will be effective may be in question during the Mercury Retrograde period, but she will not give up.  She and we want to hold first things first, and our safety and that of coming generations could be in question.

Process:   Four planets in Libra, gradually forming a trine with Jupiter in Aquarius (both air signs) can show a bit of tomfoolery as suggested by "a mummer's mask."  "Take things light" can be an air-sign attitude.  You might be put off by someone who seems insincere and theatrical or coquettish.  Yet this can be one transient glory of the breezy signs.  They are also often intellectual, and "a man is seated at a table holding a pen, before him some pebbles on a sheet of paper."  The pebbles represent computation or experimental projection, a questing for new methods or expanded knowledge, and this could bring good fortune. 

Blessing:  The Mercury Retrograde phase, if "taken light," can be reminiscent of "a noon siesta."  We are also in the final days of an Old Moon (before the New early tomorrow morning) when one often needs extra rest.  I find that my exercise routine is often neglected on those days, and perhaps it is good to have a bit of a vacation (or press on if you feel it's important).  The siesta allows for inward reorientation and outward recuperation.  Yet plans and hopes are not given up, just lightened or postponed, for "a person with a bow and arrow is taking aim at some object in the distance."  He or she is said to be "very expert; fond of the chase; noble and humane; generally prosperous."  We keep our visions and plans intact through expected and unexpected delays.  

{Tuesday}   /Responsible Yet Restful\

Cosmic Piper

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