Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Review of this Week, Saturday 23 through Friday 29 May 2015

Week of Saturday 23 through Friday 29 May 2015

Here is the report I posted last Friday, with {comments} added. I hope it will be helpful for you to review it, so it could shed light on the final three days covered by the forecast. 

This seems a harder week than the past two. There is a need to be careful about health, keeping up with the strategies one knows to be effective preventatives in one's own case. {This was true for me; I redoubled efforts to keep up with my daily quota of hatha yoga exercises, for example, as well as watching diet.} There could be dangers of infection, or of picking up tendencies or problems from others. {Some drinkers got me drinking too much one night.} It is important to remember your abilities and keep using them. If you have a chance at being in public, or doing so actively as in presenting something, you will do better to be brave and go ahead. Don't miss your "calling" or what life is suggesting that you do. Wavering is natural, while Mercury remains retrograde (to June 11), but could be poisonous to your real spiritual welfare. It is good to try, always. If you feel in competition with others, that won't hurt, and they are as likely to fail as you. Seeing it as a game may be hard yet helpful.

{This first paragraph makes a lot of sense to me, for the four days of the week we've already experienced [Saturday through Tuesday]. I failed to attend an astrological party on Saturday evening which could have been good for me in terms of contacts or who knows what, for example, and forgot about another volunteer opportunity on Monday which would have been good for me as well as the organization I could have supported. Lapses. I should have felt it more as a game, yes rather than just feeling exhausted and out-of-sorts.}

There are protests, politically and otherwise. I myself agree with many of them. People have to assert themselves in order to improve social-economic conditions. A danger could be going at it in a too rash or warlike spirit, thereby defeating the very purpose by calling forth reaction or counter-action. Disputes are sometimes unavoidable. It seems that the advice from the cosmos is to be sure of your facts and figures, learning them, writing them down, so you can be certain of them and thereby able to persuade others. {This always makes sense, but I was not aware of much activism around me, except on Sunday late afternoon when I heard loud shouting in a park near me, apparently a protest of some kind, but I did not go out to investigate.}

You may note that some seem avaricious and self-seeking, and that you need to defend yourself from that. Common sense and ordinary caution should carry you through. {Yes, I got a notice from the State of Colorado claiming I owe them back taxes! I do not! Fortunately I have the proof, but what a drag to have to deal with all that.} Your abilities may exceed the likelihood of your using them effectively. So you could dither and play with your skills rather than employ them to good effect. Yet this is not unavoidable. While Mercury goes backward we have to realize that there are limits to forward progress, but the seeming backwardness of the time is a chance to catch up with ourselves, our skills and knowledge. {This was completely accurate for me; I wonder about others? Any comments?}

Recovering from difficulties in personal relationships is essential. You can do it. You may see that someone you love is frittering away his abilities by focusing on child's play rather than what he could really do as a contribution to humanity (and therefore to himself ultimately.). This is a hard realization. {Yes, this was true in a very big way, and in a way which he himself called "embarrassing" a few days later. But he is a beautiful soul.} He wants to be himself fully and give in to his free impulses. {Yes yes yes} Yet this can only carry him so far, regardless of the fantastic luck he may have. To "be himself" he needs to be warmhearted and generous. This he can do. {And that is very true of him, a saving grace.} Yet in addition to that, he can achieve far more than he attempts. {Indeed, and he realizes this frequently.}

Someone who means a lot to you may be remote from you. You have a spiritual link but this is not easy to translate into ordinary reality. This person could become a student, at some point, no matter how hard this may be, and subordinate himself or herself to the realities of the socio-economic situation. A pioneering trend in this individual is held back by circumstances for now. Yet a lightning flash of illumination could reveal to him what he can do and how he can proceed. {This could apply to at least two individuals who come to mind right now. I don't think this retrograde period is one in which anyone is getting absolute clarity about his or her future.}

You want to accomplish and be far more than the world sees you as now. That is difficult. You may want to brandish your sword and proclaim "This is what I have and know, this is what I am trying to be, and if you oppose me I am ready to cut you down." {Yes, Cosmic Piper frequently feels that way.} That is normal and natural, but not wise, because ultimately we have to wait until the cosmos is ready to acknowledge our prowess and skill, rather than to insist that it do so at once.  {"At once"? I have only been writing this blog for sixteen years! How much longer do I have to wait?} You want to be something stupendous which no one now can understand. Yea! Do it! Something in you is irrepressible and resourceful. But don't drive yourself to irritability and self-exhaustion. You are better than that. Restraint and patience will prove your soul-strength. Time will demonstrate your worth. {Wise words, CP--HH.}

{One thing I did not mention, although it is implicit in the Mercury Retrograde period, is the sometime-backwardness of things, the slipping behind, the failed communication, the lassitude. But also a catching-up or recovery phase which keeps reasserting itself. I don't think I made all of that very clear in the weekly forecast although I did sometimes in the daily ones.}

There is a resolution of all things toward what is solid and reliable. Everybody wants material goods and financial security. What prevents that, in many cases, is a superficial assumption of self-worth rather than a subordination of oneself to the Supreme. {It's fascinating that at a Christian Science discussion group I attended Tuesday this very topic came up as a major one, and fresh light was cast on the problem.} G*d is prodigal, giving us more than we could have imagined or asked for, yet we need to be alert to His prompting and live up to His standards and heroic suggestions. {Again, this is a very good statement of what some in that group were saying or struggling to say.} To be daring and courageous is to manifest G*d's truth. {Again a perfect hit, because one member of the group said that to be discouraged is, literally, to lack courage.} Then there is no lack, in the ultimate, even if there seems lack temporarily. {Many are wondering and worrying about the stock market's back-and-forth motion.} Many who are "wizards" of technology, programmers or others, are ready to manifest G*d's prodigality of guidance and order. But more important, the sooner they acknowledge Him, with fullness of appreciation and love, the better things will be for them and  all of us. {No comment needed.}

{Week of May 23-29, 2015}

Cosmic Piper

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