Friday, May 8, 2015

Forecast-Meditation for Week of May 9-15, 2015

Saturday 9 May 2015

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:36p PT | 4:36p ET | 8:36p UT   ** /
until it enters Aquarius at 4:23p PT | 7:23p ET | 11:23p UT   ***

Sunday 10 May 2015

Moon in Aquarius   ***

I hope you will review the forecast for last week. It would help you to sense what these weekly reports mean to you and give you clues as to how to use and interpret this one.

I myself did not read the report for last week all through the week, until today (Friday as I write). I was worried that I had not done a very good job, but was actually astounded at how accurate it was, over and over. I hope you might have a similar experience. I have struggled with a weekly method for decades and feel it may be coming into shape. 

Week of May 9 (Saturday) through 15 (Friday) 2015

There can be softness and ease, which sometimes goes along with a Dark Hermetic Epoch, a need to relax one's efforts. This of course has limits. You may limit it by weighing and measuring everything, as diet, schedules, and so on. You might parcel out to yourself a little more leisure than usual, while still keeping up with what is essential. People need to get away from routines and immerse themselves in something congenial, as a swimming pool, tub, shower or natural body of water. A thinking, philosophic trend tends toward bringing out the harmony among varied perspectives or ways of comprehending and being.

There is a temptation to display oneself, or congratulate oneself on one's agility, cleverness and playfulness. Why not? Being childlike and experimental is a wonderful part of life; all animals, including even ants, do it frequently. One feels that things are going so well that one has the luxury of being oneself without constant struggles to succeed. Those who could cooperate with you on a practical project, perhaps career-related, could be persuaded to join in because they feel promise and stimulation in what you present to them.

At a certain point in their lives many feel secure, as if they had conquered hordes of their demons and are ready to take charge of themselves and their worlds. They have attained their dominion. You may feel ready for that. This takes patience, for it seems there are always new conundrums or issues to be resolved, as in a labyrinth, yet they can be resolved through perseverance. Some of the truths, systems or agendas at which you arrive could be remarkably helpful. Then you are prepared with tools, or arrows in your quiver, so that you can choose the most competent approach to ends you want to capture. 

Escapism is in the eye of the beholder. Someone who watches endless movies or TV series may be consciously or subconsciously preparing himself or herself to be a writer, actor, director, or other creative individual. So the seeming escapism has a deeper purpose. Or there may be psychological or spiritual issues in the voyeur which are resolved somehow by this diet of vicarious experience. What is it that symphonies or fireworks give us? Hard to define, but we know our lives are enriched by them. The worlds of idealists and occultists may seem unbelievable--I just read a fascinating book by Gary Lachman, Revolutionaries of the Soul--yet they lend color, value, and even substance to the rest of us directly or indirectly. So, through the ramifying ingenuousness of such people and their creations, you may be finding ways for your soul to express itself more fully.

A lot of the preceding may seem rather flighty. Where is the practical effort needed for most of us to maintain ourselves? The 99 per cent, and especially the bottom 10 to 20 per cent of the 99, have to keep plugging to make ends meet. Yet somehow they may feel they are lucking out this week. Or at least they sense that although they feel used and betrayed by the plutocrats at the upper end of the wealth scale, their lives now are more beautiful, relaxing, and fulfilled than usual. Parks and gardens are becoming wonderful, in our northern hemisphere, and they symbolize something going on within ourselves, a thriving sense of life's gorgeousness and satisfaction. And, besides, some can buy comfort at a very cheap price. Then they feel lifted up to survey their lives and others' in a purview which preserves future choices splendidly.

There are games--let's play them!--and there is the game of life, which is a little more challenging, yet we are sensitive to our abilities and can use them to win or to lose graciously, even enjoyably. A very complete perspective can be had. You may be interested in an architect, engineer, or craftsman in one of the fine arts. Then you see how you can get out your own drawing board or palette and instruments and do something of your own you feel pleased with. Artistry is not as unreachable as we sometimes assume. At a deeper level, there is sympathy of a profound sort, expressed most often in women but also men, which lifts everything to a level of mercy rather than dog-eat-dog competition. A goddess, or god inspired by her, gives gladly without thought of hardship. Where are they? Not Hillary Clinton or Carly Fiorina, you say? (I judge not.) Well, they are there and I am often amazed at how many there are. (Oh, is Mother's Day coming up?)

The symbols used in these reports are often dark, forbidding, even violent, yet this week they are all on the side of ease and beauty. Negatively, this could be a warning against indolence, weakness, and want of determination. Mars opposing Saturn is not easy, but at best it can be challenges accepted joyfully. There is genius in everyone, even those seemingly less adept mentally, for each has a particular gift no one else has. That can be called his or her genius. It is bursting its seed-pod this week. In some of us it can be revolutionary, forming a new continent in our world, setting us up to know we have dominion in a way we had not before contemplated or understood in its fullness and richness. 

{Week of May 9-15, 2015} 

Cosmic Piper

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