Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Forecast for Wednesday 27 May 2015

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/void-0f-course   ** /
until it enters Libra at 2:43p PT | 5:43p ET | 9:43p UT   ***

There are so many stories I could tell about adventures with these lunar phenomena I have studied intensively for decades. Here is the most recent. I woke up after 4 a.m. feeling as if I did not want to arise and write this. But forced myself to do so. I went to the computer and studied the stock market a while. Finally I started this post, looked at the time, 4:48, then at the lunar phenomena, and found that the moon had been void-of-course for hours. I had forgotten that. But it explained exactly why I did not feel it was worth while to bother with a forecast. 

But this show goes on. 

Actually lunar and other phenomena are improving somewhat Wednesday, and especially after the moon enters Libra, time above. That is unfortunately after the business day ends in the East, although in the West business people will have a couple of hours to finish the day with a more definite decisiveness or smoother finish. 

Beyond that, Luna is sextile Saturn and trine and sun and Mercury and Mars, or moving toward those positions rather, throughout the day so that even the v-of-c hours could go fairly well if we remember what we are all about and what we are doing. Finishing things neglected is one good emphasis. Any new venture should be "entertained in mind" rather than pursued aggressively in the outer world. The steps preparing it are needed first. 

The last bit of advice is dangerous, but: It has been discovered that all animals, even the worker ants, play a lot. They all need time to just hang out, diddle, fool around, improvise. I believe that void-of-course times are often good for that. All work and no play makes Johnny and Jane dull kids. So, within limits, you might want to relax and do things "out of pattern" today. Or finish those old things like clean-up (moon in Virgo) you really want to get done--you might enjoy it. Work and play, and even daydreaming, can merge at these times.

I intended to write a revised weekly forecast, for this very week, based solidly on the one posted last Friday-Saturday, and shall do that in a few hours I hope, and post it. Later,

Cosmic Piper

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